International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME)

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ISSN: 2305-8463 (Online)



Published By: MECS Press

Frequency: 6 issues per year

Number(s) Available: 80

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IJEME Vol. 14, No. 5, Oct. 2024


The Impact of Collaborative Writing on Omani Grade 9 Students’ Writing Performance and their Perceptions

By Mohammed Al Ajmi Tahra Al Ajmi

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

This quasi-experimental study investigates the effect of Collaborative Writing (CW) on the writing performance and their perceptions of 36 Grade 9 female students in Oman. The study, rooted in the shortcomings of traditional product-oriented writing instruction, employs pre-/post-writing tests and a questionnaire to measure the effectiveness of CW. The findings reveal a statistically significant improvement in the experimental group's writing scores, emphasizing the positive influence of CW on various writing components. Additionally, students express favorable attitudes towards CW, particularly in editing and revising texts collaboratively. Despite these positive outcomes, challenges such as unequal work distribution within groups are identified. The study concludes by acknowledging limitations and suggesting avenues for future research, emphasizing the potential of CW to enhance students' writing skills and foster constructive dialogue in language classrooms.

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Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Adaptive Learning Systems: A Systematic Review

By Muhammad Jawad Mustfa Sidra Ashiq

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

This research paper delves into the transformative potential of Adaptive Learning Systems (ALS) in revolutionizing education through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With traditional educational approaches often failing to accommodate individual learning needs, the answer to this problem is adaptive learning system which focuses on personalized content delivery, instructional methods, and assessments. Through case studies spanning various educational contexts, including various countries, higher education, and diverse cultures, we have evaluated the effectiveness of different ALS techniques in terms of different educational needs and requirements. By reviewing these techniques in terms of their features, capabilities and functionalities, we have tried to figure out, how does the use of AI in adaptive learning systems contribute to personalized learning experiences for students. The paper also highlights the key challenges and limitations associated with the integration of AI in ALS. It addresses issues like data protection, analyzes the ALS principles and investigates the ethical consideration which arises during implementation of AI in adaptive learning systems. Furthermore, it underscores the pivotal role educators’ play in collaborating with AI systems to create a balanced learning environment. By providing insights into future directions, such as advancements in personalization techniques and lifelong learning, this paper contributes to understanding the complex interplay between AI and personalized education. Ultimately, the research advocates for the widespread integration of ALS as a transformative approach that has the potential to redefine education and cater to the diverse needs of learners in the digital age. 

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Brain Ischemic Stroke Detection through Deep Learning: A Systematic Review on CT vs MRI vs CTA Images

By Rathin Halder Nusrat Sharmin

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

Purpose: Ischemic brain strokes have a high morbidity and death rate, thus it’s vital to obtain a quick diagnosis and imaging. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has become popular in medical imaging and diagnostic radiology research. In the field of medical image analysis, deep learning (DL) approaches have recently shown greater performance over earlier, more advanced machine learning techniques. Acute Ischemic stroke (AIS) is one of the medical sectors where DL has conducted substantial research. The systematic review examines the performance of deep learning models across different imaging modalities, highlighting their strengths and limitations in identifying ischemic strokes. Key aspects such as sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy are assessed, providing insights into the comparative effectiveness of CT, MRI, and CTA in stroke detection. In contrast with other reviews in this domain, this paper offers a concise summary of the most notable DL methods applied in the classification, detection, and segmentation of acute ischemic brain stroke, focusing on popular imaging techniques like Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and CT Angiography (CTA). This survey also highlights datasets and data acquisition challenges and attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of data preprocessing, as well as insight into publicly available datasets.
Methods and Results: This study aims to give an idea of how training and testing datasets should be handled by evaluat- ing recent studies. This review discusses the challenges associated with each imaging modality, including image noise, artifacts, and variability in acquisition protocols. Strategies to mitigate these challenges through preprocessing techniques and model optimization are explored, aiming to improve the robustness and reliability of deep learning-based stroke de- tection systems. Moreover, this research contains a brief discussion of recent deep learning architectures and an analysis of performances.
Conclusions: Overall, this systematic review contributes to the understanding of current advancements in brain ischemic stroke detection through deep learning, offering valuable insights for researchers and clinicians seeking to leverage these technologies for improved patient outcomes. Future directions and potential research avenues are also discussed to guide further advancements in this critical area of medical imaging and diagnosis.

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Attainment Calculations of Course Outcomes, Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes for Digital Circuits and Systems

By S. Senthilkumar V. Mohan T. Senthil Kumar L. Ramachandran M. Nuthal Srinivasan

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

The modern world looks for employable graduates from the outcome based educational institutions. Outcome based education (OBE), creates competitive graduates who can reasonable in world wide. Due to this, now a day’s many educational institutions are starts to implement OBE instead of traditional educational system. OBE has gained much impetus in the education system. With no specific methods of teaching or performance assessment, the outcomes are built on scalability, accuracy, and real-time data. Studies say that OBE increases student centric learning instead of teacher centric. This helps the institutions in accreditations like national board of accreditation (NBA), national assessment and accreditation council (NAAC) etc. Recently some countries are accepted graduates for employment only from the NBA accredited programs. Course outcomes (CO’s), program outcomes (PO’s) and program specific outcomes (PSO’s) are the key terms in OBE. This article provides the course plan, attainment calculation of CO’s, Po’s and PSO’s. Here, author’s considered digital circuits and systems (DCS) as a sample course from undergraduate Electronics and Communication Engineering program. The DCS course considered here have 5 CO’s in apply level (K3). In order to calculate the attainment of CO’s, PO’s and PSO’s, first the mapping of CO’s with PO’s and PSO’s are presented. Then different direct assessment (Formative and Summative) tools like internal tests, assignment, quiz and end semester examinations and indirect assessment tools like course end survey are conducted to evaluate the attainment level of 5 course outcomes. Based on the performance of 128 students, attainment of CO’s are calculated  first. PO’s and PSO’s attainment are calculated from the CO’s attainment. From the calculated attainment values suggestions/proposals are made for the upcoming semester.

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Comparative Analysis of Two Programming Platforms for Beginners: Python and Scratch

By Aderonke Busayo Sakpere Adedeji Folashade

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

This research paper conducts a comparative analysis of Python and Scratch, exploring their strengths and weaknesses in introductory programming education. While Scratch serves as an excellent starting point, it has limitations, prompting discussions about its suitability for all learners. Some argue that starting with Scratch facilitates a smoother transition into Python, while others suggest its effectiveness in attracting beginners to computer science. The study, conducted over 12 weeks among beginners in a Nigerian higher institution, aims to assess factors such as ease of learning, versatility, community support, and real-world application on both platforms. The first 4 weeks, participants were introduced to Scratch, then were introduced to Python from week 5 to 8 and finally week 9 to 12 were to work on projects and compare both platforms. 
The research delves into the experiences of participants lacking prior programming experience, emphasizing the exploration of thematic analysis, System Usability Scale (SUS) scores and individual responses. A total of four evaluations were carried out.  Results from the thematic analysis of the 1st evaluation using thematic analysis reveals that Scratch has the ability to foster computational thinking. The 2nd evaluation reveals that Scratch is preferred for tasks such as game development which has the ability to further deepen their programming experience. In the third evaluation, 46.3% of the participants agreed that experience gained from Scratch was helpful in learning Python while 70% agreed to some or a great extent that knowledge and skills acquired from learning Scratch was transferable to learning Python. The fourth evaluation was to understand the ease of use of Scratch versus Python using SUS.  The results from SUS notably reveal that the limited number of female participants showed intriguing preferences, with a lone female participant indicating a higher preference for Scratch. However, examining individual responses revealed a consistent outlier, with all participants expressing a higher preference for using Python more frequently than Scratch, despite their initial exposure to both platforms. This research suggests that the choice between Python and Scratch goes beyond syntax preferences, involving pedagogical strategies and the learning experiences each platform offers. 
This research contributes insights into the effectiveness of Scratch and Python in an educational setting, offering a nuanced understanding of the preferences and experiences of beginners. The findings underscore the importance of considering not only platform features but also individual learning experiences and pedagogical strategies in shaping programming education for novices.

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Push Management Platform Based on Wechat Small Program and Cloud Development

By Yan Wu Fang Wang Yanying Zou Huaijin Zhang Bingsheng Chen Mengshan Li

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

On the Wechat platform, the current article push is mainly completed by the Wechat Public Account, but it is not perfect in the aspects of user information collection, user service, data storage and management. With economic development and progress of the times, people seek development in spiritual and cultural aspects. This program "One Thing One Story" uses Wechat Web Developer Tools as the medium and Wechat Small Program and Cloud Development as the platform. The purpose of push management platform is "use at any time". Small program cloud development has a relatively complete cloud background. It does not need to rebuild the server in the development cycle. Through the relevant interface, small program development can be started and time cost can be reduced. Using JavaScript, CSS style, JSON database and other technologies, we can realize user data collection, article push, push classification management, push data storage, user praise collection and other functions. This program is applied to article pushing, cultural dissemination and other aspects. Through the platform of Wechat applet, the dream of "accessible" can be realized. 

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A Study on Malware and Malware Detection Techniques

By Rabia Tahir

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Mar. 2018

The impact of malicious software are getting worse day by day. Malicious software or malwares are programs that are created to harm, interrupt or damage computers, networks and other resources associated with it. Malwares are transferred in computers without the knowledge of its owner. Mostly the medium used to spread malwares are networks and portable devices. Malwares are always been a threat to digital world but with a rapid increase in the use of internet, the impacts of the malwares become severe and cannot be ignored. A lot of malware detectors have been created, the effectiveness of these detectors depend upon the techniques being used. Although researchers are developing latest technologies for the timely detection of malwares but still malware creators always stay one step ahead. In this paper, a detailed review of malwares types are provided, malware analysis and detection techniques are studied and compared. Furthermore, malware obfuscation techniques have also been presented.

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Medicine Management System: Its Design and Development

By Ruth G. Luciano Rhoel Anthony G. Torres Edward B. Gomez Hardly Joy D. Nacino Rodmark D. Ramirez

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2023

The researchers conducted this study with the main purpose of helping the residents of the municipality to expedite the process of obtaining free medicine. In the current setup, an individual who needs to avail of free medicine from the barangay or municipal health center personally visits the place to request maintenance medicine. This motivated the researchers to make a research study focusing on converting the manual requisition system to something that people can access quickly and comfortably without necessarily going out of their households, especially during these challenging times – the pandemic. The researchers called it a “Medicine Management System”. The researchers aimed to speed up the requisition of medicine using this online system. The patients or qualified recipients need not consume time lining up to request medicine from the municipal health center. This system can be accessed over the internet anytime and anywhere. Users must register and upload a legit doctor’s prescription. Researchers have created this system using HTML for the system interface, XAMPP for maintaining database records, and PHP for other system functionalities.

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Stressors and Stress-Coping Mechanisms of Academic Scholars in HEIs: A Basis for Stress Management Plan Formulation

By Ruth G. Luciano Mickel John Salvatierra

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2022

This study aims to describe the stress coping mechanism of the academic scholars from the College of Education (COEd) in one of the private higher education institutions in Cabanatuan City, Philippines. This is an action research that focuses on the assessment of the academic scholars’ stressors and their correlates. It involves systematic observations and data collection that enables the researchers to reflect, decide and develop a training plan for stress management. The findings show that monthly family income and economic-related stressors were highly correlated. This further explains that students with high family income are less likely to experience frequent stress. In contrary, students who belong to low-income families are more prone to experience frequent stress. In other words, students who belong to poor families are more vulnerable to stress. Likewise, monthly family income and physiological responses to stress had high interdependence, which means that students with higher socio-economic status are less likely to experience severe anxiety, while students belonging to low-income families tend to experience severe anxiety. The results of this quantitative analysis served as basis in designing or preparing the stress management plan for these students. 

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An Internet of Thing based Agribot (IOT- Agribot) for Precision Agriculture and Farm Monitoring

By Kakelli Anil Kumar Aju. D.

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2020

Developing nations like India have a huge potential for agricultural business and better cultivation. Because of the large size of cultivation land, improper water supply systems and lack of technology-based agricultural practices, there is a huge gap among expected and actual quantity and quality of agricultural products. Hence there is a need for significant revival in agribusiness using emerging technologies. The article proposes an intelligent water framework device called Agribot designed for the agricultural industry to minimize the water wastage and a better supply of cultivating materials using the Internet of Things (IoT). Our proposed IOT- Agribot will energize the water framework, improve the cost-effective water usage and reduce the labor force to achieve precision agriculture. The proposed IOT- Agribot has performed well for variable weather conditions, soli type, moisture content and crops.

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Classroom Management Strategies and Academic Performance of Junior High School Students

By Maxwell Kontor Owusu Bakari Yusuf Dramanu Mark Owusu Amponsah

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2021

The study examined the influence of classroom management strategies of Junior High School teachers on the academic performance of students in the Ashanti Akim North District. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. One hypothesis and two research questions were developed to guide the study. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 48 teachers and 297 year two students to respond to the Behaviour and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS). Test scores in English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics and Social Studies were used to measure students’ academic performance. The statistical tools used to analyse the data collected were means, standard deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and Multiple Regression. The findings revealed that both students and teachers identified good relationship and reinforcement as the mostly used classroom management strategies. It was found that a significant positive relationship existed between reinforcement and antecedent as classroom management schemes and students’ academic performance. However, good relationship and punishment as classroom management strategies did not have a positive relationship with the academic performance of students. It is recommended that teachers should use reinforcement and antecedent strategies frequently in their classrooms since they play a dual role of managing behaviour and predicting the academic performance of students. Good relationship as a classroom management strategy should be cautiously used because it could potentially be misinterpreted or abused and can lead to low academic performance. Using punishment as a classroom management strategy should be avoided as its use hinders academic performance of students.

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The Digital Literacy in Teachers of the Schools of Rajouri (J&K)-India: Teachers Perspective

By M Mubasher Hassan Tabasum Mirza

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2021

The present age is the age of information. The globalization has affected every sphere of the life including education. In spite of availability of ICT infrastructure in schools, their potential is underutilized because of digital incompetence of the teachers.  New digital technologies are acting as a catalyst towards improvement of learning outcome and enhancing quality of education, but only introduction of such technologies in schools for producing change and innovation is not enough, it requires digitally competent teachers to facilitate the use of ICT in education. These teachers will act as facilitators and mentors to students to lead them towards problem solving and innovation to meet the new challenges of globalization. Teachers must be able to create learning environments which are student centric and foster creativity, Meta cognition, meta-literacy, collaboration and communication in learners. Mere superficial use of ICT in teaching will not yield the required learning outcome, but the integration of ICT in pedagogy is important to enhance teaching, learning process. This can be done only when teachers are competent enough to use ICT tools and facilitate ICT integrated education. In this paper, we tried to assess the teacher’s perspective about the ICT and investigate the factors responsible for resistance of teachers in using ICT in schools and suggestive measures for successful integration of ICT in the teaching process by the teachers of Rajouri district (J&K, India). The ICT skills are very important for teachers to support alternative modes of teaching, learning, i.e. e-learning, mobile learning in the present outbreak of pandemic disease caused by Coronavirus-COVID19. 

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A Critical Review by Teachers on the Online Teaching-Learning during the COVID-19

By Malik Mubasher Hassan Tabasum Mirza Mirza Waseem Hussain

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2020

The world has witnessed a sudden change in the teaching-learning processes due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. The worldwide compulsive lockdown for ensuring the preventive measures to stop the spread of this infection has equally affected education sector as other business sectors. As all of us know that quality education is the only long-term rescue for all the challenges and therefore, the need to find out the alternative solution to the traditional classroom teaching-learning is the concern of all stakeholders and the only option found is online mode of teaching-learning, which was somehow already available and had attracted an intense attention during this period. The aim of the paper is to study the teacher’s perspective in India about this mode of learning, challenges and issues faced by them in migration to online platform, experience about online tools/platforms used for instructional delivery and their suggestions to improve the process for effective teaching. This study will help in gaining insight towards the possible improvements in the ongoing mode of online teaching and in future situations also. The results obtained based on sample collection through web based questionnaire clearly gives some information, which could be an eye opener for enhancing the implementation of the online teaching-learning among the learners especially teachers, who can further help in implementation of the large. Although, the online mode was already in place and was utilized in blended form to a substantial level in the developed countries, but in developing countries like India, where teachers are not familiar with online platforms/tools, lack of knowledge and skills to handle the online ICT infrastructure in a challenging situation. The results also give an impression about the need of professional development with special focus on digital literacy skills and awareness among the teacher community about the merits of online platforms for the teaching-learning process.

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The Effectiveness of the TaRL Approach on Moroccan Pupils’ Mathematics, Arabic, and French Reading Competencies

By Abdessamad Binaoui Mohammed Moubtassime Latifa Belfakir

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2023

Teaching at the Right Level (henceforth, TaRL) is a new trending remedial educational approach being piloted in many countries. It basically matches pedagogical content to pupils’ educational needs through various adapted activities after segmentation of pupils’ depending on their actual difficulties and needs. In this respect, Morocco has been piloting this relatively new approach during the beginning of the school year 2022-23. Therefore, this study aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the TaRL approach on Moroccan pupils’ mathematics, Arabic, and French reading competencies. An experimental study took place involving 106 pupils from 4th grade to 6th grade during a one-month remedial course (half an hour per day, one subject per day) based on TaRL guidelines. After carefully examining the data through the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test by comparing the baseline and endline results in all three subjects. The results showed statistically high improvements with large effect sizes in the levels of the three subjects suggesting that TaRL was effective in raising the levels of numeracy and literacy and may be, safely, further adopted throughout Moroccan primary schools.

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Development of a Prediction Model on Demographic Indicators based on Machine Learning Methods: Azerbaijan Example

By Makrufa Sh. Hajirahimova Aybeniz S. Aliyeva

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Apr. 2023

The accuracy of population forecasts is one of the most important calculations in demography statistics. However, traditional demographic methods used in population projections are tend to produce biased results. The need for accurate prediction of future behavior in a number of areas require the application of reliable and efficient methods. Recently, machine learning (ML) models have emerged as a serious competitor to classical statistical models in the forecasting community. In this study, the performance and capacity of the four different ML models such as Random forest (RF), Decision tree (DT), Linear regression (LR) and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) to the prediction of population has been examined. The aim of the study is to find the best performing regression model among these machine learning algorithms for forecasting of population. The data were collected from the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan website were used for the analysis. We used five metrics such as mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE) and R-squared to compare the predictive ability of the models. As the result of the analysis, it has been known that the all ML models showed high results with correlation coefficient of 0.985 - 0.996. Also the KNN and RF prediction models showed the lowest root mean square deviation, means square error and mean absolute error values compared to other models. By effectively using the advantage of the ML algorithms, the forecast of population growth the near future can be observed objectively, and it can provide an objective reference to the strategic planning in the public and private sectors, particularly in education, health and social areas.

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Push Management Platform Based on Wechat Small Program and Cloud Development

By Yan Wu Fang Wang Yanying Zou Huaijin Zhang Bingsheng Chen Mengshan Li

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

On the Wechat platform, the current article push is mainly completed by the Wechat Public Account, but it is not perfect in the aspects of user information collection, user service, data storage and management. With economic development and progress of the times, people seek development in spiritual and cultural aspects. This program "One Thing One Story" uses Wechat Web Developer Tools as the medium and Wechat Small Program and Cloud Development as the platform. The purpose of push management platform is "use at any time". Small program cloud development has a relatively complete cloud background. It does not need to rebuild the server in the development cycle. Through the relevant interface, small program development can be started and time cost can be reduced. Using JavaScript, CSS style, JSON database and other technologies, we can realize user data collection, article push, push classification management, push data storage, user praise collection and other functions. This program is applied to article pushing, cultural dissemination and other aspects. Through the platform of Wechat applet, the dream of "accessible" can be realized. 

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Medicine Management System: Its Design and Development

By Ruth G. Luciano Rhoel Anthony G. Torres Edward B. Gomez Hardly Joy D. Nacino Rodmark D. Ramirez

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2023

The researchers conducted this study with the main purpose of helping the residents of the municipality to expedite the process of obtaining free medicine. In the current setup, an individual who needs to avail of free medicine from the barangay or municipal health center personally visits the place to request maintenance medicine. This motivated the researchers to make a research study focusing on converting the manual requisition system to something that people can access quickly and comfortably without necessarily going out of their households, especially during these challenging times – the pandemic. The researchers called it a “Medicine Management System”. The researchers aimed to speed up the requisition of medicine using this online system. The patients or qualified recipients need not consume time lining up to request medicine from the municipal health center. This system can be accessed over the internet anytime and anywhere. Users must register and upload a legit doctor’s prescription. Researchers have created this system using HTML for the system interface, XAMPP for maintaining database records, and PHP for other system functionalities.

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A Study on Malware and Malware Detection Techniques

By Rabia Tahir

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Mar. 2018

The impact of malicious software are getting worse day by day. Malicious software or malwares are programs that are created to harm, interrupt or damage computers, networks and other resources associated with it. Malwares are transferred in computers without the knowledge of its owner. Mostly the medium used to spread malwares are networks and portable devices. Malwares are always been a threat to digital world but with a rapid increase in the use of internet, the impacts of the malwares become severe and cannot be ignored. A lot of malware detectors have been created, the effectiveness of these detectors depend upon the techniques being used. Although researchers are developing latest technologies for the timely detection of malwares but still malware creators always stay one step ahead. In this paper, a detailed review of malwares types are provided, malware analysis and detection techniques are studied and compared. Furthermore, malware obfuscation techniques have also been presented.

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An Internet of Thing based Agribot (IOT- Agribot) for Precision Agriculture and Farm Monitoring

By Kakelli Anil Kumar Aju. D.

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2020

Developing nations like India have a huge potential for agricultural business and better cultivation. Because of the large size of cultivation land, improper water supply systems and lack of technology-based agricultural practices, there is a huge gap among expected and actual quantity and quality of agricultural products. Hence there is a need for significant revival in agribusiness using emerging technologies. The article proposes an intelligent water framework device called Agribot designed for the agricultural industry to minimize the water wastage and a better supply of cultivating materials using the Internet of Things (IoT). Our proposed IOT- Agribot will energize the water framework, improve the cost-effective water usage and reduce the labor force to achieve precision agriculture. The proposed IOT- Agribot has performed well for variable weather conditions, soli type, moisture content and crops.

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The Effectiveness of the TaRL Approach on Moroccan Pupils’ Mathematics, Arabic, and French Reading Competencies

By Abdessamad Binaoui Mohammed Moubtassime Latifa Belfakir

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2023

Teaching at the Right Level (henceforth, TaRL) is a new trending remedial educational approach being piloted in many countries. It basically matches pedagogical content to pupils’ educational needs through various adapted activities after segmentation of pupils’ depending on their actual difficulties and needs. In this respect, Morocco has been piloting this relatively new approach during the beginning of the school year 2022-23. Therefore, this study aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the TaRL approach on Moroccan pupils’ mathematics, Arabic, and French reading competencies. An experimental study took place involving 106 pupils from 4th grade to 6th grade during a one-month remedial course (half an hour per day, one subject per day) based on TaRL guidelines. After carefully examining the data through the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test by comparing the baseline and endline results in all three subjects. The results showed statistically high improvements with large effect sizes in the levels of the three subjects suggesting that TaRL was effective in raising the levels of numeracy and literacy and may be, safely, further adopted throughout Moroccan primary schools.

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Development of a Prediction Model on Demographic Indicators based on Machine Learning Methods: Azerbaijan Example

By Makrufa Sh. Hajirahimova Aybeniz S. Aliyeva

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Apr. 2023

The accuracy of population forecasts is one of the most important calculations in demography statistics. However, traditional demographic methods used in population projections are tend to produce biased results. The need for accurate prediction of future behavior in a number of areas require the application of reliable and efficient methods. Recently, machine learning (ML) models have emerged as a serious competitor to classical statistical models in the forecasting community. In this study, the performance and capacity of the four different ML models such as Random forest (RF), Decision tree (DT), Linear regression (LR) and K-nearest neighbors (KNN) to the prediction of population has been examined. The aim of the study is to find the best performing regression model among these machine learning algorithms for forecasting of population. The data were collected from the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan website were used for the analysis. We used five metrics such as mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE) and R-squared to compare the predictive ability of the models. As the result of the analysis, it has been known that the all ML models showed high results with correlation coefficient of 0.985 - 0.996. Also the KNN and RF prediction models showed the lowest root mean square deviation, means square error and mean absolute error values compared to other models. By effectively using the advantage of the ML algorithms, the forecast of population growth the near future can be observed objectively, and it can provide an objective reference to the strategic planning in the public and private sectors, particularly in education, health and social areas.

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Classroom Management Strategies and Academic Performance of Junior High School Students

By Maxwell Kontor Owusu Bakari Yusuf Dramanu Mark Owusu Amponsah

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2021

The study examined the influence of classroom management strategies of Junior High School teachers on the academic performance of students in the Ashanti Akim North District. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. One hypothesis and two research questions were developed to guide the study. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 48 teachers and 297 year two students to respond to the Behaviour and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS). Test scores in English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics and Social Studies were used to measure students’ academic performance. The statistical tools used to analyse the data collected were means, standard deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and Multiple Regression. The findings revealed that both students and teachers identified good relationship and reinforcement as the mostly used classroom management strategies. It was found that a significant positive relationship existed between reinforcement and antecedent as classroom management schemes and students’ academic performance. However, good relationship and punishment as classroom management strategies did not have a positive relationship with the academic performance of students. It is recommended that teachers should use reinforcement and antecedent strategies frequently in their classrooms since they play a dual role of managing behaviour and predicting the academic performance of students. Good relationship as a classroom management strategy should be cautiously used because it could potentially be misinterpreted or abused and can lead to low academic performance. Using punishment as a classroom management strategy should be avoided as its use hinders academic performance of students.

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Stressors and Stress-Coping Mechanisms of Academic Scholars in HEIs: A Basis for Stress Management Plan Formulation

By Ruth G. Luciano Mickel John Salvatierra

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2022

This study aims to describe the stress coping mechanism of the academic scholars from the College of Education (COEd) in one of the private higher education institutions in Cabanatuan City, Philippines. This is an action research that focuses on the assessment of the academic scholars’ stressors and their correlates. It involves systematic observations and data collection that enables the researchers to reflect, decide and develop a training plan for stress management. The findings show that monthly family income and economic-related stressors were highly correlated. This further explains that students with high family income are less likely to experience frequent stress. In contrary, students who belong to low-income families are more prone to experience frequent stress. In other words, students who belong to poor families are more vulnerable to stress. Likewise, monthly family income and physiological responses to stress had high interdependence, which means that students with higher socio-economic status are less likely to experience severe anxiety, while students belonging to low-income families tend to experience severe anxiety. The results of this quantitative analysis served as basis in designing or preparing the stress management plan for these students. 

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The Techno-Economic Feasibility Serves to Optimize the PV-Wind-Hydro Hybrid Power System at Tangail in Bangladesh

By Nuhim Ahamed Noman Md. Sariful Islam Md. Ahsan Habib Sumon Kumar Debnath

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2023

Bangladesh has been using fossil fuel sources for the last years to generate electricity. The electricity power generation capacity of Bangladesh must enlarge to support the increasing electricity demand nowadays. As the conventional fuel resources are limited on the earth, renewable resources (ex: PV, wind) must be used in the future. The aim of this study is to design a hybrid electricity and hydrogen production system with the photovoltaic, wind turbine, hydro, diesel generator, electrolyzer, and reformer using Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software under the study area Delduar, Tangail, Bangladesh (2408.5/N, 89054.1/E). This research focuses on maximum electricity generation using renewable energy sources with a minimum cost of energy (COE). According to the Homer optimization model, the levelized cost of energy (COE) based on a PV-wind-hydro-diesel generator-electrolyzer-reformer-battery hybrid electricity generation system is $0.281, the net present cost is $3.22 million, and operating cost $60,401 with 99.5% renewable fraction respectively. Furthermore, the analysis confirms that hybrid PV-wind-hydro-diesel generator-hydrogen power plant construction in Delduar, Tangail area is economically feasible.

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The Digital Literacy in Teachers of the Schools of Rajouri (J&K)-India: Teachers Perspective

By M Mubasher Hassan Tabasum Mirza

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2021

The present age is the age of information. The globalization has affected every sphere of the life including education. In spite of availability of ICT infrastructure in schools, their potential is underutilized because of digital incompetence of the teachers.  New digital technologies are acting as a catalyst towards improvement of learning outcome and enhancing quality of education, but only introduction of such technologies in schools for producing change and innovation is not enough, it requires digitally competent teachers to facilitate the use of ICT in education. These teachers will act as facilitators and mentors to students to lead them towards problem solving and innovation to meet the new challenges of globalization. Teachers must be able to create learning environments which are student centric and foster creativity, Meta cognition, meta-literacy, collaboration and communication in learners. Mere superficial use of ICT in teaching will not yield the required learning outcome, but the integration of ICT in pedagogy is important to enhance teaching, learning process. This can be done only when teachers are competent enough to use ICT tools and facilitate ICT integrated education. In this paper, we tried to assess the teacher’s perspective about the ICT and investigate the factors responsible for resistance of teachers in using ICT in schools and suggestive measures for successful integration of ICT in the teaching process by the teachers of Rajouri district (J&K, India). The ICT skills are very important for teachers to support alternative modes of teaching, learning, i.e. e-learning, mobile learning in the present outbreak of pandemic disease caused by Coronavirus-COVID19. 

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