Rabia Tahir

Work place: Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan

E-mail: ms160400256@vu.edu.pk


Research Interests: Data Structures and Algorithms, Network Security


Rabia Tahir (born October 13,1984) is currently doing MS in Computer Science from Virtual University of Pakistan .She was an ex instructor of Virtual University of Pakistan in Department of Computer Sciences. Her area of interest in network security and Databases.

Author Articles
A Study on Malware and Malware Detection Techniques

By Rabia Tahir

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijeme.2018.02.03, Pub. Date: 8 Mar. 2018

The impact of malicious software are getting worse day by day. Malicious software or malwares are programs that are created to harm, interrupt or damage computers, networks and other resources associated with it. Malwares are transferred in computers without the knowledge of its owner. Mostly the medium used to spread malwares are networks and portable devices. Malwares are always been a threat to digital world but with a rapid increase in the use of internet, the impacts of the malwares become severe and cannot be ignored. A lot of malware detectors have been created, the effectiveness of these detectors depend upon the techniques being used. Although researchers are developing latest technologies for the timely detection of malwares but still malware creators always stay one step ahead. In this paper, a detailed review of malwares types are provided, malware analysis and detection techniques are studied and compared. Furthermore, malware obfuscation techniques have also been presented.

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