Tahra Al Ajmi

Work place: Ministry of Education, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

E-mail: Tahra.alajmi97@gmail.com

Website: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3012-7703

Research Interests:


Tahra Al Ajmi, she is currently a Master of Arts (MA) student at Sultan Qaboos University, specializing in Curriculum and Teaching Methods of English Language. Alongside her pursuit of advanced studies, she works as an English teacher, received her Bachelor of Education (BEd) in English Language from Sultan Qaboos University in 2020.

Author Articles
The Impact of Collaborative Writing on Omani Grade 9 Students’ Writing Performance and their Perceptions

By Mohammed Al Ajmi Tahra Al Ajmi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijeme.2024.05.01, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2024

This quasi-experimental study investigates the effect of Collaborative Writing (CW) on the writing performance and their perceptions of 36 Grade 9 female students in Oman. The study, rooted in the shortcomings of traditional product-oriented writing instruction, employs pre-/post-writing tests and a questionnaire to measure the effectiveness of CW. The findings reveal a statistically significant improvement in the experimental group's writing scores, emphasizing the positive influence of CW on various writing components. Additionally, students express favorable attitudes towards CW, particularly in editing and revising texts collaboratively. Despite these positive outcomes, challenges such as unequal work distribution within groups are identified. The study concludes by acknowledging limitations and suggesting avenues for future research, emphasizing the potential of CW to enhance students' writing skills and foster constructive dialogue in language classrooms.

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