Adi Nugroho

Work place: Insan Pembangunan Indonesia University, Indonesia



Research Interests:


Adi Nugroho, student of the Information Systems study program at Insan Pembangunan University, seventh semester.

Author Articles
Integrating QR Code to e-Class System for Managing Attendance Lecture Services in Higher Education

By Winanti Adi Nugroho Budi Haryanto Nana Supiana Erick Fernando

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Currently attendance is still done manually by recapping each lecturer's attendance sheet. The method used is the prototype method and testing using the User Acceptant Test (UAT) method. This takes a long time, even misinterpretations of existing absences sometimes cause problems when giving salary receipts to lecturers, besides that, reporting to campus management also takes time. The lecturer attendance system can help the finance department to calculate lecturer teaching attendance faster and more easily, which can be used to calculate salaries and evaluate lecturer attendance. The system at the implementation stage and during implementation the average teaching attendance of lecturers is easier to control. Some of the features in this attendance system include Check-in, Lecturer, profile, History, Schedule, Help, Tutorial and Chat Group. Apart from that, the main menu also provides information regarding the check-in time limit, waiting time for the next check-in, campus information, and application updates. The system was built with a QR Code and is Android-based to make things easier for lecturers, admin, and the finance department.

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