Zhongfeng Pan

Work place: Wuhan City Polytechnic, Wuhan, 430070, China

E-mail: 328113921@qq.com


Research Interests:


Zhongfeng Pan is an Associate Professor of Wuhan City Polytechnic, Chairman of Wuhan Chengcheng Technology Service Co., Ltd., Secretary-General of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of Hubei Vocational Colleges, Internationally Registered Entrepreneurship Instructor (ICEI), Senior Career Planner, judge of the national finals of the 7th, 8th and 9th China International College Students Innovation Competition, member of the expert pool of the China International College Students Innovation Competition, member of the expert pool of the National Vocational College Skills (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) Competition, and curriculum construction expert of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of Higher Vocational Colleges.

Author Articles
Modeling Interaction in the Educational Process is a Tool for Improving its Effectiveness

By Nataliya Mutovkina Zhongfeng Pan

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijmecs.2024.03.06, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

In the context of growing and widespread demand for higher professional education, an important aspect is the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of its results. The educational process is a complex socio-economic phenomenon involving at least two parties – the teacher and the students. It is these subjects of the process that are the key elements and interact, as a result of which there is an increase in the amount of information that is transformed into a competency-based form. It is the acquisition by students of the competencies they need in their professional activities that is the goal of the educational process. As a result of the study, it was found that it is possible to optimize the educational process and fill it with the necessary educational elements through fuzzy modeling of the transmission and perception of educational information. The article proposes a model of fuzzy interaction between a teacher and a student group. The model is designed to determine the possibilities of optimizing the educational process and the optimal combination of educational elements. Educational elements include teaching materials, communication tools, and digital technologies. With the help of these elements and the pedagogical strategy, the transfer of educational information to students is carried out. The same means and motivation are used for the perception of educational information. It is important to find the optimal combination of educational elements and tools that contribute to the effective transfer and assimilation of educational information. Improving the effectiveness of interaction between teachers and students affects the quality of education. The quality of the educational process determines the level of students' training, the success of graduates' professional activities, and the professional self-realization of teachers. The interaction model makes it possible to improve the quality of the educational process. This is confirmed by the results of its application at Tver State Technical University.

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