Abhijit Bhowmik

Work place: American International University, Bangladesh

E-mail: abhijit@aiub.edu


Research Interests: E-learning


Abhijit Bhowmik is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the American International University of Bangladesh (www.aiub.edu). Additionally, he serves as a Special Assistant to the Office of Student Affairs at the university.
He is also a Director and Chairman of Workspace InfoTech Limited (www.workspaceit.com), a software development and services company with a global business footprint, with branches in Dhaka and Melbourne.
His research and development areas include Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sentiment Analysis, e-Learning, Software Engineering, Software QA and Testing, System Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Networking, Algorithm & Computing, Wireless Sensor Network, Video on Demand, Consultancy, Project Management, Organizational Leadership & People Management. He completed a Masters of Computer Science, majoring in Networking, at the American International University of Bangladesh in 2011, and Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering at the same university in 2009. Currently he is pursuing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on NLP and Sentiment Analysis at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).

Author Articles
From Nature to UAV - A Study on Collision Avoidance in Bee Congregation

By Nahin Hossain Uday Md. Zahid Hasan Rejwan Ahmed Md. Mahmudur Rahman Abhijit Bhowmik Debajyoti Karmaker

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijisa.2024.03.06, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

Insects engage in a variety of survival-related activities, including feeding, mating, and communication, which are frequently motivated by innate impulses and environmental signals. Social insects, such as ants and bees, exhibit complex collective behaviors. They carry out well-organized duties, including defense, nursing, and foraging, inside their colonies. For analyzing the behavior of any living entity, we selected honeybees (Apis Mellifera) and worked on a small portion of it. We have captured the video of honeybees flying close to a hive (human-made artificial hive) while the entrance was temporarily sealed which resulted in the” bee cloud”. An exploration of the flight trajectories executed and a 3D view of the” bee cloud” constructed. We analyzed the behaviors of honeybees, especially on their speed and distance. The results showed that the loitering honeybees performed turns that are fully coordinated, and free of sideslips so thus they made no collision between themselves which inspired us to propose a method for avoiding collision in unmanned aerial vehicle. This paper gives the collective behavioral information and analysis report of the small portion of data set (honeybees), that bee maintains a safe distance (35mm) to avoid collision.

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