International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS)

IJCNIS Vol. 16, No. 4, Aug. 2024

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Table Of Contents


Quality of Experience Improvement and Service Time Optimization through Dynamic Computation Offloading Algorithms in Multi-access Edge Computing Networks

By Marouane Myyara Oussama Lagnfdi Anouar Darif Abderrazak Farchane

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Multi-access Edge Computing optimizes computation in proximity to smart mobile devices, addressing the limitations of devices with insufficient capabilities. In scenarios featuring multiple compute-intensive and delay-sensitive applications, computation offloading becomes essential. The objective of this research is to enhance user experience, minimize service time, and balance workloads while optimizing computation offloading and resource utilization. In this study, we introduce dynamic computation offloading algorithms that concurrently minimize service time and maximize the quality of experience. These algorithms take into account task and resource characteristics to determine the optimal execution location based on evaluated metrics. To assess the positive impact of the proposed algorithms, we employed the Edgecloudsim simulator, offering a realistic assessment of a Multi-access Edge Computing system. Simulation results showcase the superiority of our dynamic computation offloading algorithm compared to alternatives, achieving enhanced quality of experience and minimal service time. The findings underscore the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and its potential to enhance mobile application performance. The comprehensive evaluation provides insights into the robustness and practical applicability of the proposed approach, positioning it as a valuable solution in the context of MEC networks. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts in advancing computation offloading strategies for improved performance in edge computing environments.

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Cascaded Machine Learning Approach with Data Augmentation for Intrusion Detection System

By Argha Chandra Dhar Arna Roy M. A. H. Akhand Md. Abdus Samad Kamal Kou Yamada

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Cybersecurity has received significant attention globally, with the ever-continuing expansion of internet usage, due to growing trends and adverse impacts of cybercrimes, which include disrupting businesses, corrupting or altering sensitive data, stealing or exposing information, and illegally accessing a computer network. As a popular way, different kinds of firewalls, antivirus systems, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been introduced to protect a network from such attacks. Recently, Machine Learning (ML), including Deep Learning (DL) based autonomous systems, have been state-of-the-art in cyber security, along with their drastic growth and superior performance. This study aims to develop a novel IDS system that gives more attention to classifying attack cases correctly and categorizes attacks into subclass levels by proposing a two-step process with a cascaded framework. The proposed framework recognizes the attacks using one ML model and classifies them into subclass levels using the other ML model in successive operations. The most challenging part is to train both models with unbalanced cases of attacks and non-attacks in the datasets, which is overcome by proposing a data augmentation technique. Precisely, limited attack samples of the dataset are augmented in the training set to learn the attack cases properly. Finally, the proposed framework is implemented with NN, the most popular ML model, and evaluated with the NSL-KDD dataset by conducting a rigorous analysis of each subclass emphasizing the major attack class. The proficiency of the proposed cascaded approach with data augmentation is compared with the other three models: the cascaded model without data augmentation and the standard single NN model with and without the data augmentation technique. Experimental results on the NSL-KDD dataset have revealed the proposed method as an effective IDS system and outperformed existing state-of-the-art ML models. 

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Passive Antenna Arrays in UAV Communication Systems

By Olga Shcherbyna Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi Olexii Stetsyshin

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

This article explores the design, modeling, and experimental validation of passive antenna arrays (AAs) tailored for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication systems. Focusing on the technical composition and functionalities of various types of passive antenna arrays, the study delves into different antenna elements that comprise these arrays, discussing their integration into comprehensive systems. Through rigorous modeling aimed at predicting performance in diverse operational conditions and backed by experimental studies, the paper provides practical insights for the development and optimization of AAs. These passive systems leverage the collective strength of multiple antennas to form directed beams, enhancing signal clarity and reducing interference, thereby supporting robust communication links essential for UAV operations. 

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Secure Data Storage and Retrieval over the Encrypted Cloud Computing

By Jaydip Kumar Hemant Kumar Karam Veer Singh Vipin Saxena

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Information security in cloud computing refers to the protection of data items such as text, images, audios and video files. In the modern era, data size is increasing rapidly from gigabytes to terabytes or even petabytes, due to development of a significant amount of real-time data. The majority of data is stored in cloud computing environments and is sent or received over the internet. Due to the fact that cloud computing offers internet-based services, there are various attackers and illegal users over the internet who are consistently trying to gain access to user’s private data without the appropriate permission. Hackers frequently replace any fake data with actual data. As a result, data security has recently generated a lot of attention. To provide access rights of files, the cloud computing is only option for authorized user. To overcome from security threats, a security model is proposed for cloud computing to enhance the security of cloud data through the fingerprint authentication for access control and genetic algorithm is also used for encryption/decryption of cloud data. To search desired data from cloud, fuzzy encrypted keyword search technique is used. The encrypted keyword is stored in cloud storage using SHA256 hashing techniques. The proposed model minimizes the computation time and maximizes the security threats over the cloud. The computed results are presented in the form of figures and tables.

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Universal On-board Neural Network System for Restoring Information in Case of Helicopter Turboshaft Engine Sensor Failure

By Serhii Vladov Ruslan Yakovliev Victoria Vysotska Dmytro Uhryn Yuriy Ushenko

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

This work focuses on developing a universal onboard neural network system for restoring information when helicopter turboshaft engine sensors fail. A mathematical task was formulated to determine the occurrence and location of these sensor failures using a multi-class Bayesian classification model that incorporates prior knowledge and updates probabilities with new data. The Bayesian approach was employed for identifying and localizing sensor failures, utilizing a Bayesian neural network with a 4–6–3 structure as the core of the developed system. A training algorithm for the Bayesian neural network was created, which estimates the prior distribution of network parameters through variational approximation, maximizes the evidence lower bound of direct likelihood instead, and updates parameters by calculating gradients of the log-likelihood and evidence lower bound, while adding regularization terms for warnings, distributions, and uncertainty estimates to interpret results. This approach ensures balanced data handling, effective training (achieving nearly 100% accuracy on both training and validation sets), and improved model understanding (with training losses not exceeding 2.5%). An example is provided that demonstrates solving the information restoration task in the event of a gas-generator rotor r.p.m. sensor failure in the TV3-117 helicopter turboshaft engine. The developed onboard neural network system implementing feasibility on a helicopter using the neuro-processor Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 has been analytically proven.

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BSHOA: Energy Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud-fog Environment

By Santhosh Kumar Medishetti Ganesh Reddy Karri

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Cloud-fog computing frameworks are innovative frameworks that have been designed to improve the present Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. The major limitation for IoT applications is the availability of ongoing energy sources for fog computing servers because transmitting the enormous amount of data generated by IoT devices will increase network bandwidth overhead and slow down the responsive time. Therefore, in this paper, the Butterfly Spotted Hyena Optimization algorithm (BSHOA) is proposed to find an alternative energy-aware task scheduling technique for IoT requests in a cloud-fog environment. In this hybrid BSHOA algorithm, the Butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) is combined with Spotted Hyena Optimization (SHO) to enhance the global and local search behavior of BOA in the process of finding the optimal solution for the problem under consideration. To show the applicability and efficiency of the presented BSHOA approach, experiments will be done on real workloads taken from the Parallel Workload Archive comprising NASA Ames iPSC/860 and HP2CN (High-Performance Computing Center North) workloads. The investigation findings indicate that BSHOA has a strong capacity for dealing with the task scheduling issue and outperforms other approaches in terms of performance parameters including throughput, energy usage, and makespan time.

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Chaotic Map based Random Binary Key Sequence Generation

By Vishwas C. G. M. R. Sanjeev Kunte

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Image encryption is an efficient mechanism by which digital images can be secured during transmission over communication in which key sequence generation plays a vital role. The proposed system consists of stages such as the generation of four chaotic maps, conversion of generated maps to binary vectors, rotation of Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), and selection of generated binary chaotic key sequences from the generated key pool. The novelty of this implementation is to generate binary sequences by selecting from all four chaotic maps viz., Tent, Logistic, Henon, and Arnold Cat map (ACM). LFSR selects chaotic maps to produce random key sequences. Five primitive polynomials of degrees 5, 6, 7, and 8 are considered for the generation of key sequences. Each primitive polynomial generates 61 binary key sequences stored in a binary key pool. All 61 binary key sequences generated are submitted for the NIST and FIPS tests. Performance analysis is carried out of the generated binary key sequences. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the binary key sequences are random and unpredictable and have a large key space based on the individual and combination of key sequences. Also, the generated binary key sequences can be efficiently utilized for the encryption of digital images.

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Attack Modeling and Security Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms Enabled with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

By Momina Mushtaq Rakesh Kumar Jha Manish C. Sabraj Shubha Jain

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are innovative technologies that are experiencing a widespread recognition. These technologies possess the capability to transform and redefine our interactions with the surrounding environment. However, as these technologies spread, they also introduce new security challenges. In this paper, we discuss the security challenges posed by Augmented reality and Virtual Reality, and propose a Machine Learning-based approach to address these challenges. We also discuss how Machine Learning can be used to detect and prevent attacks in Augmented reality and Virtual Reality. By leveraging the power of Machine Learning algorithms, we aim to bolster the security defences of Augmented reality and Virtual Reality systems. To accomplish this, we have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of various Machine Learning algorithms, meticulously analysing their performance and efficacy in enhancing security. Our results show that Machine Learning can be an effective way to improve the security of Augmented reality and virtual reality systems.

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An Enhanced Process Scheduler Using Multi-Access Edge Computing in An IoT Network

By Padmini M. S. S. Kuzhalvaimozhi Bhuvan K. Ramitha R. Tanisha Machaiah M.

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Multi-access edge computing has the ability to provide high bandwidth, and low latency, ensuring high efficiency in performing network operations and thus, it seems to be promising in the technical field. MEC allows processing and analysis of data at the network edges but it has finite number of resources which can be used. To overcome this restriction, a scheduling algorithm can be used by an orchestrator to deliver high quality services by choosing when and where each process should be executed. The scheduling algorithm must meet the expected outcome by utilizing lesser number of resources. This paper provides a scheduling algorithm containing two cooperative levels with an orchestrator layer acting at the center. The first level schedules local processes on the MEC servers and the next layer represents the orchestrator and allocates processes to nearby stations or cloud. Depending on latency and throughput, the processes are executed according to their priority. A resource optimization algorithm has also been proposed for extra performance. This offers a cost-efficient solution which provides good service availability. The proposed algorithm has a balanced wait time (Avg) and blocking percentage (Avg) of 2.37ms and 0.4 respectively. The blocking percentage is 1.65 times better than Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJFS) and 1.3 times better than Earliest Deadline First Scheduling (EDFS). The optimization algorithm can work on many kinds of network traffic models such as uniformly distributed and base stations with unbalanced loads.

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Targeted Attacks Detection and Security Intruders Identification in the Cyber Space

By Zhadyra Avkurova Sergiy Gnatyuk Bayan Abduraimova Kaiyrbek Makulov

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

The number of new cybersecurity threats and opportunities is increasing over time, as well as the amount of information that is generated, processed, stored and transmitted using ICTs. Particularly sensitive are the objects of critical infrastructure of the state, which include the mining industry, transport, telecommunications, the banking system, etc. From these positions, the development of systems for detecting attacks and identifying intruders (including the critical infrastructure of the state) is an important and relevant scientific task, which determined the tasks of this article. The paper identifies the main factors influencing the choice of the most effective method for calculating the importance coefficients to increase the objectivity and simplicity of expert assessment of security events in cyberspace. Also, a methodology for conducting an experimental study was developed, in which the goals and objectives of the experiment, input and output parameters, the hypothesis and research criteria, the sufficiency of experimental objects and the sequence of necessary actions were determined. The conducted experimental study confirmed the adequacy of the models proposed in the work, as well as the ability of the method and system created on their basis to detect targeted attacks and identify intruders in cyberspace at an early stage, which is not included in the functionality of modern intrusion detection and prevention systems. 

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