Ruslan Yakovliev

Work place: Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kremenchuk, 39605, Ukraine



Research Interests: Intelligent Systems


Ruslan Yakovliev is a director of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. He is the organizer of the training of flight and engineering personnel for units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He is the organizer of the training of flight and engineering personnel for units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. His research interests are related to improving helicopter safety through the introduction of intelligent information technologies.

Author Articles
Polymorphic Radial Basis Functions Neural Network

By Serhii Vladov Ruslan Yakovliev Victoria Vysotska Dmytro Uhryn Artem Karachevtsev

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

The work is devoted to the development of the radial basis functions (RBF networks) neural network new architecture – a polymorphic RBF network in which the one-dimensional radial basis functions (RBFs) in the hidden layer instead, multidimensional RBFs are used, which makes it possible to better approximate complex functions that depend on several independent variables. Moreover, in its second layer, the summing the RBF outputs one by one from each group instead, multiplication is used, which allows the polymorphic RBF network to better identify relations between independent variables. Based on the training classical RBF networks evolutionary algorithm, the polymorphic RBF network training algorithm was created, which, through the initializing weight coefficients methods use taking into account the tasks structure and preliminary values, using the mutations tournament selection, adding additional criteria to the fitness function to take into account stability and speed training a polymorphic RBF network, as well as using an evolutionary mutation strategy, allowed us to obtain the lowest errors in training and testing a polymorphic RBF network compared to known RBF network architectures. The created polymorphic RBF network practical application possibility is demonstrated experimentally using the helicopters turboshaft engines (using the example, the TV3-117 turboshaft engine) operating process parameters optimizing solving task using a multicriteria optimization algorithm. The optimal Pareto front was obtained, which made it possible to obtain the engine operation three additional modes: maximum reduction of specific fuel consumption at the total pressure in the compressor increase degree increased value by 5.0 %, specific fuel consumption minimization at the total pressure in the compressor increase degree reduced value by 1.0 %, the total pressure in the compressor increases degree optimal value with a slight increase in specific fuel consumption by 10.5 %. Future research prospects include adapting the developed methods and models into the general concept for monitoring and controlling helicopter turboshaft engines during flight operations. This concept is implemented in the neural network expert system and the on-board automatic control system.

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Universal On-board Neural Network System for Restoring Information in Case of Helicopter Turboshaft Engine Sensor Failure

By Serhii Vladov Ruslan Yakovliev Victoria Vysotska Dmytro Uhryn Yuriy Ushenko

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

This work focuses on developing a universal onboard neural network system for restoring information when helicopter turboshaft engine sensors fail. A mathematical task was formulated to determine the occurrence and location of these sensor failures using a multi-class Bayesian classification model that incorporates prior knowledge and updates probabilities with new data. The Bayesian approach was employed for identifying and localizing sensor failures, utilizing a Bayesian neural network with a 4–6–3 structure as the core of the developed system. A training algorithm for the Bayesian neural network was created, which estimates the prior distribution of network parameters through variational approximation, maximizes the evidence lower bound of direct likelihood instead, and updates parameters by calculating gradients of the log-likelihood and evidence lower bound, while adding regularization terms for warnings, distributions, and uncertainty estimates to interpret results. This approach ensures balanced data handling, effective training (achieving nearly 100% accuracy on both training and validation sets), and improved model understanding (with training losses not exceeding 2.5%). An example is provided that demonstrates solving the information restoration task in the event of a gas-generator rotor r.p.m. sensor failure in the TV3-117 helicopter turboshaft engine. The developed onboard neural network system implementing feasibility on a helicopter using the neuro-processor Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 has been analytically proven.

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