Azmain Abid Khan

Work place: Department of computer science and engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Raouzan, 4349, Chittagong, Bangladesh



Research Interests: Mobile Learning


Azmain Abid Khan is a researcher at the computer science and engineering department, Chittagong university of engineering and technology. His major research interests include machine learning and mobile app development. He finished his bachelor of computer science degree in 2023. 

Author Articles
TourMate: A Personalized Multi-factor Based Tourist Place Recommendation System Using Machine Learning

By Azmain Abid Khan Mahfuzulhoq Chowdhury

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2024

Building a personalized travel recommendation system is important to enhance the satisfaction and experience of travelers. Due to the lack of an efficient online-based tourist assistance system, tourists have faced several challenges in Bangladesh, such as difficulties in planning their trips and making informed decisions. To overcome the existing challenges, in this paper, a prediction model has been developed to predict the suitability of a travel destination based on the user’s preferences and some other relevant factors. Then the system offers personalized recommendations for the best local places to visit, hotels to stay in, transportation services, and travel agencies with the necessary details. This paper utilizes various machine learning classification algorithms to predict the best-suited travel destinations and local tourist spot recommendations for users based on their budget and preferences. The examined results verified that the random forest algorithm provides the best accuracy of 98 percent and is used for tourist place eligibility prediction. The user rating analysis visualized that the proposed mobile application received satisfactory remarks from more than 60 percent of reviewers regarding its effectiveness.

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