Ahmad Sharieh

Work place: The University of Jordan/ Department of Computer Science/ King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, Amman, 11941, Jordan

E-mail: sharieh@ju.edu.jo


Research Interests: Cloud Computing, Modeling, Wireless Communication Technologies


Ahmad Sharieh holds Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Information Sciences, BSc in Mathematics, BSc in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science, and High Diploma in Higher Education Head of Faculty at University of Jordan, Prof. Sharieh was used to be dean of King Abdullah School for Information Technology at The University of Jordan. Prof. Sharieh published several articles in Journals, conferences, and authored and prepared 14 books. He gained grant for eight research projects from UJ and EUROPE. He developed Several software systems such as: Teaching Sign Language, E-learning Modelling and Simulation, and Online (Automated) Exams. He is on the editorial board of several journals and conferences, and a referee of several others. He has supervised a number of Master and PH.D. research students. Prof. Sharieh has participated in numerous research activities related to Distributing Systems, Expert Systems, E-Government, E-Learning, Parallel Processing, Pattern Recognition, Software Engineering, Wire/Wireless Communication, Modeling and Simulation, and Cloud Computing.

Author Articles
HKCHB: Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Task Scheduling and Load Balancing in Cloud-fog Computing

By Mahmoud Moshref Sherin Hijazi Azzam Sleit Ahmad Sharieh

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijem.2024.03.01, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

Cloud-fog computing has emerged as the contemporary approach for processing and analyzing Internet of Things applications due to its ability to offer remote resources. Cloud fog computing technology provides shared resources, information, and software packages, supporting distributed parallel systems in an open environment. It constructs and manages virtual machines to enhance efficiency and attractiveness. We have consistently strived to tackle challenges affecting the efficiency of cloud fog computing, including ineffective resource utilization and response times. The improvement of these challenges can be achieved through effective task scheduling and load balancing between Virtual Machines, this problem considered as NP-hard problem. This paper proposes a Hybrid K-means Clustering Honey Bee algorithm (HKCHB) to cluster Virtual Machines into two or more clusters. Subsequently, the hybrid Honey Bee algorithm is employed for task scheduling, enhancing load balance performance. The proposed algorithm is compared with other task scheduling and load balancing algorithms, including Round Robin, Ant Colony, Honey Bee, and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, utilizing the CloudSim Simulator. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm, yielding the lowest response time. Specifically, the response time is reduced by 22.1%, and processing time is reduced by 47.9%, while throughput is increased by 95.4%. These improvements are observed under the assumption of multiple tasks in a heterogeneous environment, utilizing one or two Data Centers with Virtual Machines. This contribution gives the impression that network systems based on the Internet of Things and cloud fog computing will be improved in the future to operate within the framework of real-time systems with high efficiency.

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