Vinayak Shekharappa Antin

Work place: FEV Creltech GmbH, Lindau, Germany



Research Interests:


Vinayak Shekharappa Antin completed his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and communication Engineering from Government SKSJ Technological Institute, Bengaluru in 2016. He Has worked with Volvo group as Lead ESW application engineer with skills AUTOSAR, Model Based, Agile, Embedded Linux. He was senior software engineer at HCL Technologies working on Configuration of AUTOSAR RTE (Design of Software Components (SWC's) and Integrate SWC's into the ECU architecture (Service, Data and Task mapping). Functional Development with Embedded C and MATLAB (SIMULINK, State flow). Writing Software Requirement specification for End to End functionality. He is presently working as a project engineer at FEV Creltech GmbH, Germany.

Author Articles
Cooperative MAC Protocol based on Best Data Rate (CMAC-DR)

By Nagesh R. M. N. Sree Rangaraju N. R. Kushar Gowda Vinayak Shekharappa Antin

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

As wireless signals are broadcast in nature, which implies that, a broadcast communication purposive to a predetermined destination may be received by a non-intended intermediate station. Cooperative transference, which employ interposed stations to pass on the eavesdropped data to attain the contrast gains, has a substantial capability to revamp the channeling effectiveness in wireless systems. In this it is evident that having cooperation amid stations in a wireless systems can accomplish higher throughput with enhanced network lifetime. Proffered work bestows a model for  medium access layer called Cooperative MAC protocol based on optimal Data Rate (CMAC-DR). In the proffered work, stations with more data rate aid stations having lesser data rate in their communication by redirecting their congestion. In CMAC-DR model, utilizing the conveyance of eavesdropped information, potential helper stations with more data rate Send out Helper Ready To Send (HRTS), the stations with less data rate maintains a table, called Co-op table of potential helper stations, that can aid in its transmissions. During communication, the source station with low data rate chooses either transmitting by the way of a helper station, so that it lowers the end to end transference delay and increases the throughput or opt only direct transmission, if no potential helper is found or if CMAC-DR becomes an overhead. By analyzing varied simulated scenarios, CMAC-DR evaluates the elevation in the overall network lifetime, throughput and minimization of delay. The CMAC-DR protocol is unambiguous and in accordant with legacy 802.11 also when compared to this, we find improved performance in terms of delay throughput and network lifetime since data rate is considered as relay selection condition. 

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