Anitha Palakshappa

Work place: Department of ISE, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-560054, Karnataka, India



Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, IoT, Supply Chain


Anitha Palakshappa received her Ph.D in Faculty Computer and Information Sciences from Visvesvaraya Technological University in the area of Data Analytics in 2023. Currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science and Engineering at Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bengaluru. Her research areas of interest are Data mining & Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics, IoT, Machine learning, and Artificial Intelligence. She can be contacted at email:

Author Articles
Enhancing Traceability in Agricultural Supply Chain Using Blockchain Technology

By Vedant Sharma Anitha Palakshappa Syed Adil Naqvi

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

The work highlights exploring the usage of blockchain technology for enhancing traceability in agricultural supply chain management. The aim is to develop a secure and transparent system, which improves the easy tracking and tracing of agricultural products from the point of origin until it reaches the end consumer. Currently, Blockchain is a technology, which provides security in various fields of transactions. The work utilizes to improve supply chain efficiency, increase transparency and accountability, and enhance consumer trust in the agricultural products. The system will utilize smart contracts to automate processes and ensure compliance with regulations and standards, which improves supply chain efficiency. Smart contracts enable agreement between two parties present in the supply chain. Further, the financial transactions can be improved with the help of block chain. Additional, the work will also provide recommendations for companies and organizations looking to implement blockchain-based results in their supply chain management. The work implements an application using ganache, solidity and truffle. Ethereum block chain is used as primary infrastructure for the application. Smart contracts generated using solidity is deployed into Ethereum network using truffle. The deployment of the application in agricultural sectors improves the accountability in the field of the supply chain. The deployment in a wider range will avoid manipulation of the data.
Agricultural supply chain tracing website involves the use of several tools and technologies, including Ganache, Solidity, and Truffle. The system uses the Ethereum blockchain as the underlying infrastructure to store and manage supply chain data securely and transparently. The smart contracts in the supply chain tracing system are generated using Solidity and deployed to the Ethereum network using Truffle. 

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