Herison Surbakti

Work place: Information and Communication Technology, Rangsit University International College, Pathumthani, Thailand

E-mail: herisonsurbakticc@gmail.com


Research Interests:


Dr. Herison Surbakti has dedicated over a decade to teaching and supervising international undergraduate and postgraduate students, particularly in Southeast Asia, notably in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Within the realm of Data Science, Dr. Surbakti's research interests gravitate towards Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Knowledge Management. He ardently explores groundbreaking approaches within these domains, striving to bridge the divide between academia and industry.

Author Articles
Exploring the Profound Influence of Machine Learning on Business Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review

By Herison Surbakti Prashaya Fusiripong

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijieeb.2024.03.01, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2024

Businesses nowadays may save a significant amount of money by using technological solutions. It is impossible to deny this when considering the expenses of acquiring and training new personnel. When faced with such difficulties, technology is virtually always able to assist. Business Intelligence/Machine Learning (BI/ML) is an essential tool in today's decision-making process because of the many issues it has created for contemporary business decision-making. A comparative study of regression models, including linear regression, random forests, and gradient boosting, could unravel their effectiveness in predictive analytics within BI. Machine learning contribution in businesses is vital as it has a strong link with business intelligence, and it helps business decision-making in businesses. Without machine learning, business intelligence is not practical while making decisions, as business owners can't make decisions effectively. This paper will comprehensively review the noteworthy contributions of Machine Learning and its Impact on Business Intelligence. Further, it will discuss the challenges and opportunities of machine learning in business intelligence. Finally, the paper will discuss future correspondence about machine learning in businesses.

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Streamlining Stock Price Analysis: Hadoop Ecosystem for Machine Learning Models and Big Data Analytics

By Jesslyn Noverlita Herison Surbakti

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijitcs.2023.05.03, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2023

The rapid growth of data in various industries has led to the emergence of big data analytics as a vital component for extracting valuable insights and making informed decisions. However, analyzing such massive volumes of data poses significant challenges in terms of storage, processing, and analysis. In this context, the Hadoop ecosystem has gained substantial attention due to its ability to handle large-scale data processing and storage. Additionally, integrating machine learning models within this ecosystem allows for advanced analytics and predictive modeling. This article explores the potential of leveraging the Hadoop ecosystem to enhance big data analytics through the construction of machine learning models and the implementation of efficient data warehousing techniques. The proposed approach of optimizing stock price by constructing machine learning models and data warehousing empowers organizations to derive meaningful insights, optimize data processing, and make data-driven decisions efficiently.

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