Chandra Shekhar Tiwari

Work place: Department of Computer Science of Engg from Birla institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (Jharkhand), India



Research Interests: Applied computer science, Computational Science and Engineering, Computer systems and computational processes, Theoretical Computer Science


Chandra Shekhar Tiwari has received Bachelor in Engg and Master of Engg in Computer Science & Engg.. Currently, he scholar in department of Computer Science of Engg from Birla institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (Jharkhand), India.

Author Articles
Enhancing the Cloud Security through RC6 and 3DES Algorithms while Achieving Low-Cost Encryption

By Chandra Shekhar Tiwari Vijay Kumar Jha

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Oct. 2023

Cloud computing is a cutting-edge system that's widely considered the future of data processing, making cloud computing one of the widely used platforms worldwide. Cloud computing raises problems around privacy, security, anonymity, and availability. Because of this, it is crucial that all data transfers be encrypted. The overwhelming majority of files stored on the cloud are of little to no significance while the data of certain users may be crucial. To solve the problems around security, privacy, anonymity, and availability, so we propose a novel method for protecting the confidentiality and security of data while it is being processed by a cloud platform. The primary objective of this study is to enhance the cloud security with RC6 and 3DES algorithms while attained low cost encryption, and explore variety of information safety strategies. Inside the proposed system, RC6 and 3DES algorithms have been used to enhance data security and privacy. The 3DES has been used to data with a high level of sensitivity to encrypt the key of RC6 and this method is significant improve over the status quo since it increases data security while reduce the amount of time needed for sending and receiving data. Consequently, several metrics, such as encryption time, false positive rate, and P-value, have been determined by analyzing the data. According to the findings, the suggested system attained less encryption time in different file size by securely encrypting data in a short amount of time and it gives outperformance as compared to other methods.

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Enhancing Security of Medical Image Data in the Cloud Using Machine Learning Technique

By Chandra Shekhar Tiwari Vijay Kumar Jha

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

To prevent medical data leakage to third parties, algorithm developers have enhanced and modified existing models and tightened the cloud security through complex processes. This research utilizes PlayFair and K-Means clustering algorithm as double-level encryption/ decryption technique with ArnoldCat maps towards securing the medical images in cloud. K-Means is used for segmenting images into pixels and auto-encoders to remove noise (de-noising); the Random Forest regressor, tree-method based ensemble model is used for classification. The study obtained CT scan-images as datasets from ‘Kaggle’ and classifies the images into ‘Non-Covid’ and ‘Covid’ categories. The software utilized is Jupyter-Notebook, in Python. PSNR with MSE evaluation metrics is done using Python. Through testing-and-training datasets, lower MSE score (‘0’) and higher PSNR score (60%) were obtained, stating that, the developed decryption/ encryption model is a good fit that enhances cloud security to preserve digital medical images.

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