Budi Harijanto

Work place: Department Technology Information, Politeknik Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia

E-mail: budi.harijanto@polinema.ac.id


Research Interests: Multimedia Information System, Enterprise Information System


Budi Harijanto received his Master degree in Brawijaya University, Malang. He is a multi-diciplinary researcher with experience in information system, Internet of Things, and Networking. He has several national publications in various journal and conferences and has actively been working in Visualization and Artificial Intelligence domain.

Author Articles
Design Online Learning System for Kampus Merdeka: A Case Study Web Programming Course

By Budi Harijanto Meyti Eka Apriyani Elok Nur Hamdana

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijeme.2021.06.01, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2021

Distance learning is an online-based learning model with an open model or a combination of face-to-face learning models. Currently, the term "Independence Campus" implies that students are given the option of attending lectures on campus or off campus according to their talents and interests, one of which does not leave the nature of online lectures. Currently, the learning model that can provide one of these facilities is the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). This online learning can provide access anywhere and anytime by integrating technology into the learning process that can help improve the ability to understand the material. In this study, it will be measured how learning design using MOOC for "Kampus Merdeka" can affect the implementation of lectures, especially for the Web Programming Design course. A trial will be conducted to be able to see the effect of the implementation of the use of MOOC on the users of this MOOC. The choice of case studies for this course is because this course can provide practical learning activities that require an understanding of a strong theoretical basis so that it can be implemented in practicum. The result of learning web programming with the online learning design method using MOOC, which is useful for students is that they can practice source code directly through MOOC. In this study, the effect of using online learning design with MOOC which was attended by 30 people showed that an average of 78.2% was interested in joining MOOC online classes. This interest is because MOOC can provide self-development models such as material in the syllabus, learning videos and the ability to do practicals

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