Work place: ESSI lab, Ibnou Zohr University, Agadir Morocco
Research Interests: Computer systems and computational processes, Computer Architecture and Organization, Data Structures and Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Mathematics of Computing, Models of Computation
Nadya El moussaid She received a degree on mathematics and informatics, followed by master degree in network and systems from Ibnou Zohr University; she is currently a Ph.D candidate within LISTI lab and her current research interests include the security of computer systems, system protection and virus analysis by formulation of security properties by combining machine learning algorithms and mobile agents.
By Maryam El azhari Ahmed Toumanari Rachid Latif Nadya El moussaid
DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 May 2016
Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBAN) is a set of wearable and implantable devices capable of measuring physiological parameters and monitoring patient with chronic disease where early diagnosis is highly demanded. Several models introduced the general characterization of WBAN devices path loss considering possible shadowing due to obstruction of the signal (by the human body or any other obstacles) as well as the different postures of the human body. This paper aims at reporting an overview of WBSNs technologies, particular applications, system architecture and channel modeling. Emphasis is given to the IEEE 802.15.6 standard which enables the development of WBAN for medical and non-medical applications. The standard's performance within a time based variation and log-distance path loss is presented based on various simulations.
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