Mowafak Hassan Abdul-Hussin

Work place: Al-Taff University College, Dept. of Computer Technical Engineering, Karabla



Research Interests: Computational Science and Engineering, Engineering


Mowafak Hassan Abdul-Hussin received the B.S. (1977) from the Al-Mustansiriyah University Baghdad and M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, 1984, and 1989 respectively. From 1991, he is currently an Assistant Professor of computer science with the University of Technology in Baghdad. His research interests include Petri net theory and applications, supervisory control automated manufacturing systems

Author Articles
Modelling Manufacturing System Controller-based Siphon Petri Nets

By Mowafak Hassan Abdul-Hussin

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2020

This work is focused on the deadlock prevention problem for a class of Flеxіble Мanufaсturing Ѕyѕt-еms(FMSѕ) which is modelled by Ѕyѕtems of Ѕimple Ѕequential Рrοсesses with Reѕοurces (S3PRs), baѕed on Petri net mοdels. Petri Nets (PNs) gives a strong framework of modelling resources shared between concurr-ent processes in FMSs. This paper deals design methodology of controllers based on the Petri nets for the synthesis of FMSs based on a siphon PNs analysis is to be controlled by the set of minimal siphons which are generate a new P-Semifiow. We distinguish siphons in PN to give the necessary impact on the final supervisor control scheme that is the basis siphon structure analyzed to control FMS. The experimental approach is Siphon PN to give an effective tool for the liveness network, which gives a typical analysis to solve deadlock prevention in FMSs models are checked by PNs. Successful implementation of an FMS corresponds to synthesize a PN is to compute process models in parallel systems that have been specified to deadlock detection.  In our application, the examples of an FMS are a control system by PN.  

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