International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS)

IJMECS Vol. 10, No. 9, Sep. 2018

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Table Of Contents


Comparative Study of Inspired Algorithms for Trajectory-Following Control in Mobile Robot

By Basma Jumaa Saleh Ali Talib Qasim al-Aqbi Ahmed Yousif Falih Saedi Lamees abdalhasan Salman

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

This paper is devoted to the design of a trajectory-following control for a differentiation nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot. It suggests a kinematic nonlinear controller steer a National Instrument mobile robot. The suggested trajectory-following control structure includes two parts; the first part is a nonlinear feedback acceleration control equation based on back-stepping control that controls the mobile robot to follow the predetermined suitable path; the second part is an optimization algorithm, that is performed depending on the Crossoved Firefly algorithm (CFA) to tune the parameters of the controller to obtain the optimum trajectory. The simulation is achieved based on MATLAB R2017b and the results present that the kinematic nonlinear controller with CFA is more effective and robust than the original firefly learning algorithm; this is shown by the minimized tracking-following error to equal or less than (0.8 cm) and getting smoothness of the linear velocity less than (0.1 m/sec), and all trajectory- following results with predetermined suitable are taken into account. Stability analysis of the suggested controller is proven using the Lyapunov method.

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Developing an Efficient Text Pre-Processing Method with Sparse Generative Naive Bayes for Text Mining

By Mrutyunjaya Panda

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

With the explosive growth of internet, there are a big amount of data being collected in terms of text document, that attracts many researchers in text mining. Traditional data mining methods are found to be trapped while dealing with the scale of text data. Such large scale data can be handled by using parallel computing frameworks such as: Hadoop and MapRedue etc. However, they are also not away from challenges.On the other hand, Naive Bayes (NB) and its variant Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) plays an important role in text mining for their simplicity and robustness but if anything or everything from number of words, documents and labels go beyond the linear scaling, then MNB is intractable and will soon be out of memory while dealing in a single computer. Looking into the high dimensional sparse nature of the documents in text datasets, a scalable sparse generative Naive Bayes (SGNB) classifier is also proposed to develop a good text classification model. Unlike parallelization, SGNB reduces the time complexity non-linearly and hence expected to provide best results. In this paper, an efficient Lovins stemmer in combination with snowball based stopword calculation and word tokenizer is proposed for text pre-processing. The extensive experiments conducted on publicly available very well known text datasets opines the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy, F-score and time in comparison to many baseline methods available in the recent literature.

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Comparative Analysis of Stemming Algorithms for Web Text Mining

By Muhammad Haroonb

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

As the massive data is increasing exponentially on web and information retrieval systems and the data retrieval has now become challenging. Stemming is used to produce meaningful terms by stemming characters which finally result in accurate and most relevant results. The core purpose of stemming algorithm is to get useful terms and to reduce grammatical forms in morphological structure of some language. This paper describes the different types of stemming algorithms which work differently in different types of corpus and explains the comparative study of stemming algorithms on the basis of stem production, efficiency and effectiveness in information retrieval systems.

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The Power of Anonymization and Sensitive Knowledge Hiding Using Sanitization Approach

By T.Satyanarayana Murthy N.P.Gopalan Datta Sai Krishna Alla

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

In recent day’s huge rapid growth of corporate industries professional are based on the online marketing. These markets are associated with millions of online transactions which contain the details of the items, number of items, price and additional information like working details, salary information and personal information. The customers associated with these transactions are concerned about privacy issues. This manuscript aims to concentrates more on the additional information about the customer apart from dealing with the items. More analysis helps in knowing the sensitive information about an individual. In this article two algorithms were used, out of which first algorithm has been used to hide the sensitive information about an individual and other proposed algorithm has been used to hide the sensitive transaction information. These algorithms are proposed based on k-Anonymity and association rule hiding techniques. A novel algorithm has been proposed for association rule hiding algorithm to reduce the side effects such as Sensitive item-set hiding failure, Non-sensitive misses, extra item-set generations and Database dissimilarities along with the reduction of running time and complexities through transaction deletion.

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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Weighted Sum and Product Method for Electronic Service Quality Selection Problem

By Gaurisha Sisodia Kapil Sharma Shashikant Gupta

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

The increasing growth of internet and e-commerce had bartered the customer’s purchasing feature and service providers’ service policies. Moreover, there is no other criterion for quality of service (QoS) on the online network. Here the paper’s objective is to employ the importance of QoS to measure the utility quality of monetary enterprise on internet (e.g., Facebook (FB)). In this paper, the Weighted Sum method and Weighted Product method (WSM and WPM) are implemented using FB for their promotion and advertisement and then utilized the intuitionistic fuzzy value for the measuring of the QoS. The proposed methods are generally based on IF-aggregation operators and criterion weights. To calculate criterion weight, new intuitionistic fuzzy divergence is developed. Additionally, the IF-TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal) algorithm is also applied to check the validity of the result. This research examine not only the dimensions of QoS that users on FB liked and major brands are ‘preferred by’ by them, and which results as the most highly ranked features.

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