IJMECS Vol. 8, No. 5, 8 May 2016
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Authentic, Assessment, ICT
This research purpose was to know the differences of student’s learning outcome between the students which is learn through the implementation of authentic assessment development result based on ICT with the students which is learn through conventional assessment at grade V cluster V Sukasada sub district Buleleng regency in the academic year 2013/2014. This research was quasi-experiment research. The population of this research is all the grade V students at cluster V Sukasada sub district in amount of five classes. The sample of this research is the grade V students at SD N 2 Pacung which is consist of 23 students and the grade V students at SD N 1 Julah which is consist of 23 students, the sampling technique used was random sampling. The data collected by test instrument that is 35 questions of objective test and then analysis by descriptive statistic and inferential statistic (t-test). Based on the data analysis, provable that tcount = 3.67 and ttable (at significant standard 5%) = 2.02. This is means that tcount > ttable, so it can be interpreted that there is significant differences of learning outcome between the students which is learn through the implementation of authentic assessment development result based on ICT in learning process by 2013 curriculum with the students which is learn through conventional assessment. By arithmetic average, it can be known that the average score of the experiment group student’s is 26.35 and the average score of the control group student’s is 23.30. It’s mean that the average score of experiment group > the average score of control group, so it can be conclude that the implementation of authentic assessment development result based on ICT in learning process by 2013 curriculum had an positive effect through the students grave V learning outcome at cluster V Sukasada sub district, Buleleng regency.
I Nyoman Jampel, I Wayan Widiana, Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, "The Effect of Implementation Authentic Assessment Development Result based on ICT Toward Student's Learning Outcome in Learning Process by 2013 Curriculum", International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.8, No.5, pp.32-38, 2016. DOI:10.5815/ijmecs.2016.05.04
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