Selection of Health Insurance Policy: Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Combined Compromised Solution Approach Under Spherical Fuzzy Environment

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Mangesh P. Joshi 1,* Priya M. Khandekar 1

1. Ramdeobaba University, Nagpur, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagpur, 440022, India

* Corresponding author.


Received: 11 May 2024 / Revised: 27 Jul. 2024 / Accepted: 10 Sep. 2024 / Published: 8 Oct. 2024

Index Terms

Spherical Fuzzy Sets, AHP, CoCoSo, Insurance Policy, MCDM


The process of health insurance policy selection is a critical decision with far–reaching financial implications. The complexity of health insurance policy selection necessitates a structured approach to facilitate informed decision-making amidst numerous criteria and provider options. This study addresses the health insurance policy selection problem by employing a comprehensive methodology integrating Spherical Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (SF–AHP) and Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) Algorithm. Eight experienced experts, four from academia and industry each, were engaged, and eleven critical factors were identified through literature review, survey, and expert opinions. SF–AHP was utilized to assign weights to these factors, with Claim settlement ratio (C9) deemed the most significant. Subsequently, CoCoSo Algorithm facilitated the ranking of insurance service providers, with alternative A6 emerging as the superior choice. The research undertakes sensitivity analysis, confirming the stability of the model across various scenarios. Notably, alternative A6 consistently demonstrates superior performance, reaffirming the reliability of the decision-making process. The study’s conclusion emphasizes the efficacy of the joint SF–AHP and CoCoSo approach in facilitating informed health insurance policy selection, considering multiple criteria and their interdependencies. Practical implications of the research extend to individuals, insurance companies, and policymakers. Individuals benefit from making more informed choices aligned with their healthcare needs and financial constraints. Insurance companies can tailor policies to customer preferences, enhancing competitiveness and customer satisfaction. Policymakers gain insights to inform regulatory decisions, promoting fair practices and consumer protection in the insurance market. This study underscores the significance of a structured approach in navigating the intricate health insurance landscape, offering practical insights for stakeholders and laying a foundation for future research advancements.

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Mangesh P. Joshi, Priya M. Khandekar, "Selection of Health Insurance Policy: Using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Combined Compromised Solution Approach Under Spherical Fuzzy Environment", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol.16, No.5, pp.69-80, 2024. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2024.05.05


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