Enhancing Healthcare Information Systems in Ethiopian Hospitals: Exploring Challenges and Prospects of a Cloud-based Model for Smart and Sustainable Information Services

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Aschalew Arega 1,* Durga Prasad Sharma 2

1. Faculty of Computing and Software Engineering, Arba Minch University, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

2. AMUIT, MOEFDRE under UNDP, MAISM- RTU Kota, India

* Corresponding author.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijitcs.2024.05.01

Received: 3 Jul. 2024 / Revised: 13 Aug. 2024 / Accepted: 11 Sep. 2024 / Published: 8 Oct. 2024

Index Terms

Healthcare Information Systems, Cloud-based Model, Interoperability, Sustainability, Information Technology, Cloud Computing


Hospitals are the primary hubs for healthcare service providers in Ethiopia; however, hospitals face significant challenges in adopting digital health information systems solutions due to disparate, non-interoperable systems and limited access. Information technology, especially via cloud computing, is crucial in healthcare for efficient data management, secure storage, real-time access to critical information, seamless provider communication, enhanced collaboration, and scalable IT infrastructure. This study investigated the challenges to standardizing smart and green healthcare information services and proposed a cloud-based model for overcoming them. We conducted a mixed-methods study in 11 public hospitals, employing quantitative and qualitative approaches with diverse stakeholders (N = 103). The data was collected through surveys, interviews, and technical observations by purposive quota sampling with the Raosoft platform and analyzed using IBM SPSS. Findings revealed several shortcomings in existing information systems, including limited storage, scalability, and security; impaired data sharing and collaboration; accessibility issues; no interoperability; ownership ambiguity; unreliable data recovery; environmental concerns; affordability challenges; and inadequate policy enforcement. Notably, hospitals lacked a centralized data management system, cloud-enabled systems for remote access, and modern data recovery strategies. Despite these challenges, 90.3% of respondents expressed interest in adopting cloud-enabled data recovery systems. However, infrastructure limitations, inadequate cloud computing/IT knowledge, lack of top management support, digital illiteracy, limited innovation, and data security concerns were identified as challenges to cloud adoption. The study further identified three existing healthcare information systems: paper-based methods, electronic medical catalog systems, and district health information systems2. Limitations of the paper-based method include error-proneness, significant cost, data fragmentation, and restricted remote access. Growing hospital congestion and carbon footprint highlighted the need for sustainable solutions.  Based on these findings, we proposed a cloud-based model tailored to the Ethiopian context. This six-layered model, delivered as a Software-as-a-Service within a community cloud deployment, aims to improve healthcare services through instant access, unified data management, and evidence-based medical practices. The model demonstrates high acceptability and potential for improving healthcare delivery, and implementation recommendations are suggested based on the proposed model.

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Aschalew Arega, Durga Prasad Sharma, "Enhancing Healthcare Information Systems in Ethiopian Hospitals: Exploring Challenges and Prospects of a Cloud-based Model for Smart and Sustainable Information Services", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol.16, No.5, pp.1-22, 2024. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2024.05.01


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