Deep Learning for Robust Facial Expression Recognition: A Resilient Defense Against Adversarial Attacks

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Tinuk Agustin 1,* Moch. Hari Purwidiantoro 1 Mochammad Luthfi Rahmadi 2

1. Informatics, STMIK AMIKOM Surakarta, Sukoharjo, 57163, Indonesia

2. Informatics, Universitas Siber Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta, 55253, Indonesia

* Corresponding author.


Received: 10 Apr. 2024 / Revised: 27 Jun. 2024 / Accepted: 10 Sep. 2024 / Published: 8 Oct. 2024

Index Terms

Adversarial Training, Convolutional Neural Network, Adversarial Example, Model Robustness


Adversarial attacks can be extremely dangerous, particularly in scenarios where the precision of facial expression identification is of utmost importance. Hiring adversarial training methods proves effective in mitigating these threats. Although effective, this technique requires large computing resources. This study aims to strengthen deep learning model resilience against adversarial attacks while optimizing performance and resource efficiency. Our proposed method uses adversarial training techniques to create adversarial examples, which are permanently stored as a separate dataset. This strategy helps the model learn and enhances its resilience to adversarial attacks. This study also evaluates models by subjecting them to adversarial attacks, such as the One Pixel Attack and the Fast Gradient Sign Method, to identify any potential vulnerabilities. Moreover, we use two different model architectures to see how well they are protected against adversarial attacks. It compared their performances to determine the best model for making systems more resistant while still maintaining good performance. The findings show that the combination of the proposed adversarial training technique and an efficient model architecture outcome in increased resistance to adversarial attacks. This also improves the reliability of the model and saves more resources for computation. This is evidenced by the high accuracy results achieved at 98.81% accuracy on the CK+ datasets. The adversarial training technique proposed in this study offers an efficient alternative to overcome the limitations of computational resources. This fortifies the model against adversarial attacks, resulting in significant increases in model resilience without loss of performance.

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Tinuk Agustin, Moch. Hari Purwidiantoro, Mochammad Luthfi Rahmadi, "Deep Learning for Robust Facial Expression Recognition: A Resilient Defense Against Adversarial Attacks", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA), Vol.16, No.5, pp.39-52, 2024. DOI:10.5815/ijisa.2024.05.04


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