Scientific and Methodological bases of Complex Assessment of Threats and Damage to Information Systems of the Digital Economy

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Alovsat Garaja Aliyev 1,* Roza Ordukhan Shahverdiyeva 1

1. Institute of Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. AZ1141, Azerbaijan, Baku

* Corresponding author.


Received: 10 Jan. 2022 / Revised: 14 Feb. 2022 / Accepted: 9 Mar. 2022 / Published: 8 Apr. 2022

Index Terms

Digital economy, digitalization, information infrastructure, information systems, information threats, level of economic security, cybersecurity, security technologies, Industrial 4.0 Revolution, expert assessments, fuzzy estimates of losses, complex asse


The article examines the scientific and methodological basis of a comprehensive assessment of threats and damage to information systems of the digital economy. The information infrastructure and tasks of the digital economy have been defined. Sources of information security in the digital economy sectors and their information security requirements have been studied. The results of the analysis of the situation in the countries of the world on the Global Cyber security Index are shown schematically. The graph of the dynamics of cybersecurity expenditures in the ICT segments is shown. It is argued that cybersecurity, which is formed and developed through the use of digital systems, is a priority. Many goals and methods of cyber-attacks are given on the platform of the 4.0 Industrial revolution. Cases of information security violations in the digital economy and the processes of assessing the damage caused by them have been studied. Generalized criteria for assessing information damage in the digital economy have been proposed. Threats to information and communication systems and classification of damage are given. A structural scheme of the conceptual model of threats and damage to information systems and resources in the field of digital economy of Azerbaijan has been proposed. An expert description of the ways in which information threats are disseminated has been developed using a fuzzy approach. The main types of damage caused by threats to the security of information systems are given. The security aspects of the abundance and surplus of information in the digital economy are shown. The directions of increasing the level of security and confidence in the digital economy and the structures to ensure its security are given. The main directions of information security in the digital economy have been identified, the directions of ensuring its security and increasing its confidence have been identified. Commonly used universal base technologies have been proposed in the digital economy sectors. Some methodological approaches to integrated risk and damage assessment in the digital economy have been explored. A scientific-methodological approach based on fuzzy methods has been proposed for the implementation of complex risk and damage assessment in the digital economy.

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Alovsat Garaja Aliyev, Roza Ordukhan Shahverdiyeva, "Scientific and Methodological bases of Complex Assessment of Threats and Damage to Information Systems of the Digital Economy", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB), Vol.14, No.2, pp. 23-38, 2022. DOI:10.5815/ijieeb.2022.02.02


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