Tahiri Abderahim

Work place: Computer Engineering Department, National School of Applied Sciences of Tetuan, Tetuan, Morocco

E-mail: abderahim.tahiri@gmail.com


Research Interests: Computational Engineering, Software Engineering, Enterprise Information System, Multimedia Information System, Data Structures and Algorithms


Tahiri Abderahim obtained the Engineer degree in Computer Sciences in 2000 from Abdelmalek Essaädi University (UAE) in Morocco and the Master degree in Telematics Engineering in 2007 from Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) in Spain, and the PhD degree in Computer Sciences from UAE in 2009. Currently he is professor at the National School of Applied Sciences in the UAE, he is specialized in Computer Sciences Engineering and a full member of the Computer Sciences Engineering department.

His research interests include software engineering development, software architecture integration, smart information systems model design, and wireless sensor network concepts. He has cooperated in, and coordinated several projects on national level and on European level. His research output includes 20+ co-authored articles. He has been chair of multiple conference tracks related to Information System Engineering and Wireless Sensor Network. At UAE he participates as a full member in the Information System and Engineering Software research team.

Author Articles
A Context-aware Reference Architecture for Ambient Assisted Living Information Systems

By El murabet Amina Abtoy Anouar Tahiri Abderahim

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijitcs.2019.02.02, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2019

AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) existing architectures lack the sense of abstraction. The overall existing designs propose a set of elements combined with specific technologies. These visions of AAL systems narrows the possibilities and the choices ahead of the engineers and strict the range of using new technologies, which are likely to be easier and affordable. In this paper, we propose a context-aware RA (Reference Architecture) suitable for the design of distributed AAL systems. Our design is standardized and technology independent. Our aim is to provide a common background for developers and deployers to achieve a common understanding while designing the systems. The major gain is to reduce the efforts made while integrating several systems into one complete and stable environment. Ignoring all the specifications, the details and the objectives of the systems, we introduce the standard qualifications, practices and experiences that assimilate the core of every AAL oriented system. Our perception is global, unified and standard. In addition, it presents an infrastructure that would survive the evolution of technologies. It is adjustable and adaptable to the different possibilities of AAL applications.

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