Aarti M. Karande

Work place: Computer Engineering, S.P.I.T. Mumbai

E-mail: aartimkarande@gmail.com


Research Interests: Business & Economics & Management, Autonomic Computing, Mathematics of Computing, Programming Language Theory


Mrs Aarti M. Karande (B.E. (Computer) 2001–M.Tech (Computer) 2011). Currently she is research scholar from Mumbai University. Her area of interest is Soft Computing, Business process agility, Programming language

Author Articles
Weight Assignment Algorithms for Designing Fully Connected Neural Network

By Aarti M. Karande D. R. Kalbande

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijisa.2018.06.08, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2018

Soft computing is used to solve the problems where input data is incomplete or imprecise. This paper demonstrate designing fully connected neural network system using four different weight calculation algorithms. Input data for weight calculation is constructed in the matrix format based on the pairwise comparison of input constraints. This comparison is performed using saaty’s method. This input matrix helps to build judgment between several individuals, forming a single judgment. Algorithm considered here are Geometric average mean, Linear algebra calculation, Successive matrix squaring method, and analytical hierarchical processing method. Based on the quality parameter of performance, it is observed that analytical hierarchical processing is the most promising mathematical method for finding appropriate weight. Analytical hierarchical processing works on structuration of the problem into sub problems, Hence it the most prominent method for weight calculation in fully connected NN.

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