S. Akwu

Work place: Department of Computer and Communications Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi (ATBU), P. M. B. 0248, Nigeria



Research Interests: Embedded System


Akwu is a First-degree holder in computer and communications engineering (B.Eng.) from the Department of Computer and Communications Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi (ATBU), Nigeria. His focus is on wireless communication, Embedded systems, and microelectronic system.

Author Articles
Automatic plant Irrigation Control System Using Arduino and GSM Module

By S. Akwu U. I. Bature K. I. Jahun M. A. Baba A. Y. Nasir

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijem.2020.03.02, Pub. Date: 8 Jun. 2020

The evolving information technology abridges the hardship in the daily life of consumers all over the world, hence the application of this knowledge in the irrigation field is necessary nowadays. The exponential growth of demand in food is due to the ever-evolving population of the world, thus it becomes necessary to expand the present area of cultivation. Considering the present situation of weather change due to global warming as a result of industrial activities, farming via irrigation is the reliable process of food production. Water remains the only source for survival for crop production, thus optimal management and proper use of water become pertinent with the ever-increasing land for irrigation. Arduino based automatic plant irrigation control system; provides a simple approach to automated irrigation. This work makes use of the GSM module for the notification of the user about the situation in the farm, this project aims to design and implement an automatic plant irrigation control system using Arduino and GSM module. In this proposed system, there are two main parts hardware and software units. Mechanical units which are the hardware unit comprises of instrumentation systems and watering irrigation systems. The equipment system is based on microcontroller, flow meter, moisture sensor, LCD, and GSM module. The software part comprises of C++ code, this is to enable the linkage between various modules. The main control of this system is the microcontroller unit that serves as the brain for coordinating control for various modules of the system, it synchronizes and operates the watering system and notifies the user about the condition of the field and watering section via GSM module. Implementation of this project will significantly help in a water-saving of about 30 – 50% as compared to the conventional watering system like the sprinkler, improve growth and discourage weeds because water will only be served to the needed area, simple method and timer-based system for automatic watering can be incorporated for efficiency.

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