B. Eswara Reddy

Work place: Department of Computer Science & Engineering JNT University, Anantapur, India

E-mail: eswarcsejntu@gmail.com

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eswara-B

Research Interests: Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Data Mining


Dr. B.Eswara Reddy, received B.Tech Degree in Computer science and engineering from Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh, in 1995 and M.Tech Degree in Computer science and engineering, received from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, in 1999.He received Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, in 2008. He is a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ananthapur, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India. His research interests include Data mining, pattern recognition, Image processing.

Author Articles
An Optimized K-means with Density and Distance-Based Clustering Algorithm for Multidimensional Spatial Databases

By K Laskhmaiah S Murali Krishna B. Eswara Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijcnis.2021.06.06, Pub. Date: 8 Dec. 2021

From massive and complex spatial database, the useful information and knowledge are extracted using spatial data mining. To analyze the complexity, efficient clustering algorithm for spatial database has been used in this area of research. The geographic areas containing spatial points are discovered using clustering methods in many applications. With spatial attributes, the spatial clustering problem have been designed using many approaches, but non-overlapping constraints are not considered. Most existing data mining algorithms suffer in high dimensions. With non-overlapping named as Non Overlapping Constraint based Optimized K-Means with Density and Distance-based Clustering (NOC-OKMDDC),a multidimensional optimization clustering is designed to solve this problem by the proposed system and the clusters with diverse shapes and densities in spatial databases are fast found. Proposed method consists of three main phases. Using weighted convolutional Neural Networks(Weighted CNN), attributes are reduced from the multidimensional dataset in this first phase. A partition-based algorithm (K-means) used by Optimized K-Means with Density and Distance-based Clustering (OKMDD) and several relatively small spherical or ball-shaped sub clusters are made by Clustering the dataset in this second phase. The optimal sub cluster count is performed with the help of Adaptive Adjustment Factor based Glowworm Swarm Optimization algorithm (AAFGSO). Then the proposed system designed an Enhanced Penalized Spatial Distance (EPSD) Measure to satisfy the non-overlapping condition. According to the spatial attribute values, the spatial distance between two points are well adjusted to achieving the EPSD. In third phase, to merge sub clusters the proposed system utilizes the Density based clustering with relative distance scheme. In terms of adjusted rand index, rand index, mirkins index and huberts index, better performance is achieved by proposed system when compared to the existing system which is shown by experimental result.

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A Robust Zonal Fractal Dimension Method for the Recognition of Handwritten Telugu Digits

By MSLB. Subrahmanyam V.Vijaya Kumar B. Eswara Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2018.09.06, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2018

Recognition of handwritten digits is most challenging sub task of character recognition due to various shapes, sizes, large variation in writing styles from person to person and also similarity in shapes of different digits. This paper presents a robust Telugu language handwritten digit recognition system. The Telugu language is most popular and one of classical languages of India. This language is spoken by more than 80 million people. The proposed method initially performs preprocessing on input digit pattern for removing noise, slat correction, size normalization and thinning. This paper divides the preprocessed Telugu handwritten digits into four differential zones of 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 6x6 pixels and extracts 65 features using Fractal dimension (FD) from each zone. The proposed zonal fractal dimension (ZFD) method uses, Feed forward backward propagation neural network (FFBPNN) for classifying the digits with learning rate of 0.01 and sigmoid function as an activation function on extracted 65 features. This paper evaluated the efficiency of the proposed method based on 5000 Telugu handwritten digit samples, each consists of ten digits from different groups of people and totally 50,000 samples. The performance of classification of the proposed method also evaluated using statistical parameters like recall, precision, F-measure and accuracy.

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A New Algorithm for Skew Detection of Telugu Language Document based on Principle-axis Farthest Pairs Quadrilateral (PFPQ)

By MSLB. Subrahmanyam V.Vijaya Kumar B. Eswara Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2018.03.06, Pub. Date: 8 Mar. 2018

Skew detection and correction is one of the major preprocessing steps in the document analysis and understanding. In this paper we are proposing a new method called “Principle-axis farthest pairs Quadrilateral (PFPQ)”  mainly for detecting skew in the Telugu language document and also in other Indian languages. One of the popular and classical languages of India is Telugu language. The Telugu language is spoken by more than 80 million people. The Telugu language consists of simple and complex characters attached with some extra marks known as “maatras” and “vatthulu”. This makes the process of skewing of Telugu document is more complex when compared to other languages. The PFPQ, initially performs pre-processing and divides the text in to connected components and estimates principle axis furthest pair quadrilateral then removes the small and large portions of quadrilaterals of connected components. Then by using painting and directional smearing algorithms the PFPQ estimates the skew angle and performs the de-skew. We tested extensively the proposed algorithm with five different kinds of documents collected from various categories i.e., Newspapers, Magazines, Textbooks, handwritten documents, Social media and documents of other Indian languages. The images of these documents also contain complex categories like scientific formulas, statistical tables, trigonometric functions, images, etc. and encouraging results are obtained. 

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Face Recognition Based on Texture Features using Local Ternary Patterns

By K. Srinivasa Reddy V.Vijaya Kumar B. Eswara Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2015.10.05, Pub. Date: 8 Sep. 2015

Face recognition is one of the important and popular visual recognition problem due to its challenging nature and its diverse set of applications. That's why face recognition is attracted by many researchers. Methods based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are widely used for face recognition in the literature, and it is sensitive to noise. To address this present paper utilized the powerful local texture descriptor that is less sensitive to noise and more discriminant in uniform regions called as Local Ternary Pattern (LTP). The Uniform Local Binary Pattern (ULBP) derived on LBP treats a large set of LBP under one label called as miscellaneous. This may result some loss of information on LBP and LTP based methods. To address this two Prominent LBP (PLBP) are derived, namely PLBP-Low (L) and PLBP-High (H) on LTP. Based on this the present paper derived eight texture features on facial images. A distance function is used on proposed texture features for effective face recognition. To eliminate most of the effects of illumination changes that are present in human face an efficient preprocessing method is used that preserves the significant appearance details that are needed for face recognition. The present method is experimented on Yale, Indian and American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) data bases and it has given state-of-the-art performance on the three popular datasets.

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Wound Image Analysis Using Contour Evolution

By K. Sundeep Kumar B. Eswara Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2014.06.05, Pub. Date: 8 May 2014

The aim of the algorithm described in this paper is to segment wound images from the normal and classify them according to the types of the wound. The segmentation of wounds extravagates color representation, which has been followed by an algorithm of grayscale segmentation based on the stack mathematical approach. Accurate classification of wounds and analyzing wound healing process is a critical task for patient care and health cost reduction at hospital. The tissue uniformity and flatness leads to a simplified approach but requires multispectral imaging for enhanced wound delineation. Contour Evolution method which uses multispectral imaging replaces more complex tools such as, SVM supervised classification, as no training step is required. In Contour Evolution, classification can be done by clustering color information, with differential quantization algorithm, the color centroids of small squares taken from segmented part of the wound image in (C1,C2) plane. Where C1, C2 are two chrominance components. Wound healing is identified by measuring the size of the wound through various means like contact and noncontact methods of wound. The wound tissues proportion is also estimated by a qualitative visual assessment based on the red-yellow-black code. Moreover, involving all the spectral response of the tissue and not only RGB components provides a higher discrimination for separating healed epithelial tissue from granulation tissue.

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Classifying Similarity and Defect Fabric Textures based on GLCM and Binary Pattern Schemes

By R. Obula Konda Reddy B. Eswara Reddy E. Keshava Reddy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijieeb.2013.05.04, Pub. Date: 8 Nov. 2013

Textures are one of the basic features in visual searching,computational vision and also a general property of any surface having ambiguity. This paper presents a texture classification system which has high tolerance against illumination variation. A Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and binary pattern based automated similarity identification and defect detection model is presented. Different features are calculated from both GLCM and binary patterns (LBP, LLBP, and SLBP). Then a new rotation-invariant, scale invariant steerable decomposition filter is applied to filter the four orientation sub bands of the image. The experimental results are evaluated and a comparative analysis has been performed for the four different feature types. Finally the texture is classified by different classifiers (PNN, K-NN and SVM) and the classification performance of each classifier is compared. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method produces more accuracy and better classification accuracy over other methods.

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Texton Based Shape Features on Local Binary Pattern for Age Classification

By B. Eswara Reddy P.Chandra Sekhar Reddy V.Vijayakumar

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2012.07.06, Pub. Date: 28 Jul. 2012

Classification and recognition of objects is interest of many researchers. Shape is a significant feature of objects and it plays a crucial role in image classification and recognition. The present paper assumes that the features that drastically affect the adulthood classification system are the Shape features (SF) of face. Based on this, the present paper proposes a new technique of adulthood classification by extracting feature parameters of face on Integrated Texton based LBP (IT-LBP) images. The present paper evaluates LBP features on facial images. On LBP Texton Images complex shape features are evaluated on facial images for a precise age classification.LBP is a local texture operator with low computational complexity and low sensitivity to changes in illumination. Textons are considered as texture shape primitives which are located with certain placement rules. The proposed shape features represent emergent patterns showing a common property all over the image. The experimental evidence on FGnet aging database clearly indicates the significance and accuracy of the proposed classification method over the other existing methods.

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