IJWMT Vol. 2, No. 3, 15 Jun. 2012
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Trustworthiness, trustworthy distributed system, controllability, survivability
To arrive at the goal of intensifying the trustworthiness and controllability of distributed systems, the core function of secure algorithms and chips should be fully exerted. Through building the trustworthy model between distributed system and user behaviors, constructing the architecture of trustworthiness distributed systems, intensifying the survivability of services, and strengthening the manageability of distributed systems, the secure problem of distributed systems is to be radically solved. By setting up the trustworthy computing circumstance and supplying the trustworthy validation and the active protection based on identity and behavior for trustworthy distributed system, we will reach the goal of defending the unaware viruses and inbreak. This research insists that the security, controllability, manageability, and survivability should be basic properties of a trustworthy distributed system. The key ideas and techniques involved in these properties are studied, and recent developments and progresses are surveyed. At the same time, the technical trends and challenges are briefly discussed.
LUO Chen,HE Ming,LIU Xiao-Ming,LI Yuan,"Research on Trustworthy Distributed System", IJWMT, vol.2, no.3, pp.41-47, 2012. DOI: 10.5815//ijwmt.2012.03.07
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