International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC)

IJMSC Vol. 6, No. 1, Feb. 2020

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Table Of Contents


An Approach of Securing Data using Combined Cryptography and Steganography

By Rosalina Nur Hadisukmana

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

The recent advance in information technology field forcing us to ensure the privacy of the digital data. It is very important to develop the method that may satisfy the needs. Many methods/techniques applied to reach that goal. One of efficient way to reach that secrecy can be achieved by combining Cryptography and Steganography. In this paper, a new RGB shuffling method proposed. The concept of encryption using RGB Shuffling is shuffling all of RGB element to distort the image. RGB Shuffling method will shuffle the RGB each pixel of image depends on the input password from user. The basic step of RGB shuffling is adding RGB element with ASCII password, invers and shuffle it. 

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Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Numerical Optimization Approaches for Optimizing Water Loss Management Strategies in Water Distribution System - A case of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities in Tanzania

By Maselle Joseph Kadenge Mashaka Mkandawile Verdiana Grace Masanja

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

Water loss in water distribution systems (WDS) is a serious problem in Tanzania and the third world countries at large. A lot of water is lost on its way before reaching the consumers. This causes a shortage of water supply which leads to loss of revenues of the concerned water authorities. The control or reduction of water loss in the WDS is closely dependent on the commitment of the decision-makers and on the strategies and budget, they set for that purpose. This paper presents a combined model of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Numerical optimization techniques which may help decision-makers to prioritize and select the best strategies to be used in the management of water loss in the WDS at Moshi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MUWSA), Tanzania. The Multi-Criteria Decision Making family methods namely the Multi-Attribute Value Theory (MAVT), Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER), and Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) were used to evaluate and prioritize the strategies, whereas the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) technique a numerical optimization technique was used to select the best strategies or alternatives to be employed in water loss management. The results show that the most preferable alternative is replacement of dilapidated pipes while the least preferable alternative is network zoning. The model selects thirteen out of sixteen alternatives, which cost 97% (TZS 235.71 million) of the total budgets set by the water authority to form a portfolio of the best alternatives for water loss management. Furthermore, the model showed robustness as the selected portfolio of alternatives remained the same even when the weights of the evaluation criteria changed.

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Ferrer diagram based partitioning technique to decision tree using genetic algorithm

By Pavan Sai Diwakar Nutheti Narayan Hasyagar Rajashree Shettar Shankru Guggari Umadevi V

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

Decision tree is a known classification technique in machine learning. It is easy to understand and interpret and widely used in known real world applications. Decision tree (DT) faces several challenges such as class imbalance, overfitting and curse of dimensionality. Current study addresses curse of dimensionality problem using partitioning technique. It uses partitioning technique, where features are divided into multiple sets and assigned into each block based on mutual exclusive property. It uses Genetic algorithm to select the features and assign the features into each block based on the ferrer diagram to build multiple CART decision tree. Majority voting technique used to combine the predicted class from the each classifier and produce the major class as output. The novelty of the method is evaluated   with 4 datasets from UCI repository and shows approximately 9%, 3% and 5% improvement as compared with CART, Bagging and Adaboost techniques.

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Application of the Flow Curvature Method in Lorenz-Haken Model

By A. K. M. Nazimuddin Md. Showkat Ali

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

We consider a recently developed new approach so-called the flow curvature method based on the differential geometry to analyze the Lorenz-Haken model. According to this method, the trajectory curve or flow of any dynamical system of dimension  considers as a curve in Euclidean space of dimension . Then the flow curvature or the curvature of the trajectory curve may be computed analytically. The set of points where the flow curvature is null or empty defines the flow curvature manifold. This manifold connected with the dynamical system of any dimension   directly describes the analytical equation of the slow invariant manifold incorporated with the same dynamical system. In this article, we apply the flow curvature method for the first time on the three-dimensional Lorenz-Haken model to compute the analytical equation of the slow invariant manifold where we use the Darboux theorem to prove the invariance property of the slow manifold. After that, we determine the osculating plane of the dynamical system and find the relation between flow curvature manifold and osculating plane. Finally, we find the nature of the fixed point stability using flow curvature manifold.

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Desirable Dog-Rabies Control Methods in an Urban setting in Africa -a Mathematical Model

By Edwiga Kishinda Renald Dmitry Kuznetsov Katharina Kreppel

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Feb. 2020

Rabies is a fatal, zoonotic, viral disease that causes an acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other mammals. It is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids of infected mammals, usually via bites or scratches. In this paper, we formulate a deterministic model which measures the effects of different rabies control methods (mass-culling and vaccination of dogs) for urban areas near wildlife, using the Arusha region in Tanzania as an example. Values for various parameters were deduced from five years’ worth of survey data on Arusha’s dog population. Data included vaccination coverage, dog bites and rabies deaths recorded by a local non-governmental organization and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries of the United Republic of Tanzania. The basic reproduction number R_0 and effective reproduction number Re were computed and found to be 1.9 and 1.2 respectively. These imply that the disease is endemic in Arusha. The numerical simulation of the reproduction number shows that vaccination is the most appropriate control method for rabies transmission in urban areas near wildlife reservoirs. The disease free equilibrium ε_0 is also computed. If the effective reproduction number R_e is computed and found to be less than 1, it implies that it is globally asymptotically stable in the feasible region Φ. If R_e> 1 it is implied that there is one equilibrium point which is endemic and it is locally asymptotically stable.

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