Deep Classifier for Conjunctivitis – A Three-Fold Binary Approach

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Subhash Mondal 1,* Suharta Banerjee 1 Subinoy Mukherjee 1 Ankur Ganguly 1 Diganta Sengupta 1

1. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

* Corresponding author.


Received: 4 Oct. 2021 / Revised: 2 Dec. 2021 / Accepted: 9 Jan. 2022 / Published: 8 Jun. 2022

Index Terms

Ocular Diseases, Deep Learning, Deep Classifiers, VGG19, Resnet50, Inception V3, Conjunctivitis Classification.


Alterations in environmental and demographic equations have resulted in phenomenal rise of human centric diseases, ocular being one of them. Technological advancements have witnessed early diagnosis of much of the previously un-ciphered diseases. This paper addresses two research questions (RQs) with the study being focused on conjunctivitis (the most prevalent eye ailment in adults as well as minors). The motive of both the RQs rests in implementing three state-of-the art deep learning framework for classification of the ocular disease and validation of the frameworks. Validation of the frameworks is seconded by improvised proposals for enhancements. RQ1 establishes and validates whether the three off the shelf Deep Learning frameworks VGG19, ResNet50, and Inception V3 properly classify the disease or not. RQ2 analyses the effectiveness of each classifier with further enhancement proposals. The algorithms were implemented on 210 images and generated an accuracy of 87.3%, 93.6%, and 95.2% for VGG19, ResNet50, and Inception V3 using Adam optimizer, with slightly variant results when applying Adadelta optimizer. These results were typical of the classification frameworks with enhancements. With pervasive penetration of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, this paper presents the efficacy of Deep Learning Frameworks in conjunctivitis classification.

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Subhash Mondal, Suharta Banerjee, Subinoy Mukherjee, Ankur Ganguly, Diganta Sengupta," Deep Classifier for Conjunctivitis – A Three-Fold Binary Approach ", International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing(IJMSC), Vol.8, No.2, pp. 46-54, 2022. DOI: 10.5815/ijmsc.2022.02.05


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