International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB)

IJIEEB Vol. 14, No. 4, Aug. 2022

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Table Of Contents


Sales Management Application at Widya Collection Store Web-based

By Vilianty Rafida Ita Arfyanti Irfan Hidayat

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

Widya Collection Store is a business that provides sports clothing, as well as one of the producers in the Samarinda area. Sales management is still not optimal because it still uses paper notes and is still being written which makes it easy for errors to occur in writing prices, quantities of goods and total prices so that it takes a long time to process transactions, both from payment in full or receivables. In addition, managing stock of goods is also more difficult because it is not recorded in the database. Therefore, a Sales Management application was made at the Web-Based Widya Collection Store to process item data, sales transactions, make complete notes and reports and make the transaction process faster. The long-term goal to be achieved is that the stock management process has been recorded in order to know the stock that must be ordered from the supplier. In addition, to simplify and expedite activities in searching for sales transaction data if one day it is needed. In this study, the method used to build a Sales Management Application at a Web-Based Widya Collection Store is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) development stage which consists of needs analysis, system design, and implementation.

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A Reengineering based Framework for Integration of e-Governance Portal of Various State

By Ganesh Chandra Sachin Sahu Sanjay k. Dwivedi

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

One of the most important purposes of e-Governance is to increase the satisfaction level of citizens. A single window system often helps in great way to access various government services. However, many e-Governance portals lack in integration and interoperability. Often individual state/local governments use their own portal for providing various e- services to its citizens which at times require integration and coordination with similar portals of other states for the information sharing. Lack of this feature restricts the usages of services. The realization towards this came from our previous case studies of two such portals (namely SPST and Jansunwai) of the state of Uttar Pradesh to understand the issues therein. This paper presents a general framework and guidelines for e-Governance which may be considered for implementation to overcome the existing limitations identified during the period of this study and research. The roadmap shown can improve the services, scope and functionality of certain portals. Central to this skeleton is the interconnection and integration of similar e-services being offered by different government in the country.

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Development Information System for Rubber Sap Processing in East Borneo

By Haeruddin Alvian F. Abdulfattah Ghaly P. Agusva Adhie C. Sari Firdani

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

Information technology is a technology that is growing rapidly today. Technology has a very important role in human life. The impact of the development of information technology is the increasing need for the use of computers. The use of computers in East Borneo (Kalimantan) is also not spared. East Kalimantan is one of the provinces with rubber plantations that have begun to be developed, but unfortunately due to the lack of knowledge and knowledge of the community regarding the management of agricultural products, the sale of rubber latex in East Kalimantan has not developed. Farmers can only sell rubber latex to middlemen at prices below the market. Therefore, the people of East Kalimantan need a forum for promoting agricultural products, so that they can attract buyers from outside the area and can get prices according to the market. To help people in East Kalimantan, in terms of marketing rubber products, a Rubber Sap Processing Website was created. The purpose of this paper is to increase the knowledge of processing and selling rubber products by the farmers while at the same time helping the welfare of the farming community, especially in the East Kalimantan area. The method used is Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC), the result is a website for the introduction and processing of rubber latex in East Kalimantan. The results of this study are the creation of an information system for rubber latex processing that helps farmers sells their harvests in online platform.

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A Comparison of Opinion Mining Algorithms by Using Product Review Data

By Sumaiya Sultana Sumaiya Rahman Eva Nayeem Hasan Moon Akinul Islam Jony Dip Nandi

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

After release of Web 2.0 in 2004 user spawned contents on the internet eminently in abundant review sites, online forums, online blogs, and many other sites. Entire user generated contents are considerable bunches of unorganized text written in different languages that encompass user emotions about one or more entities. Mainly predictive analysis exerts the existing data to forecast future outcomes. Currently, a massive amount of researches are being engrossed in the area of opinion mining, also called sentiment analysis, opinion extraction, review analysis, subjective analysis, emotion analysis, and mood extraction. It can be an utmost choice whilst perceiving the meaning and patterns in prevailing data. Most of the time, there are various algorithms available to work with polling. There are contradictory opinions among researchers regarding the effectiveness of algorithms. We have compared different opinion mining algorithms and presented the findings in this paper.

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The Direct and Indirect Influence of Gamification on Learning Engagement: The Importance of Learning Goal Orientation (A Preliminary Study)

By Soepriyatna Christian Haposan Pangaribuan

DOI:, Pub. Date: 8 Aug. 2022

With the widespread use of digital gaming, there is a growing need to determine how games and its components might be used for learning and teaching. The majority of study in this topic has taken place in more economically established and developed regions, leaving a research void in emerging country situations. To gain a deeper understanding of the learning engagement, it is of significance to examine the gamification perceived ease of use as well as a dive into the learning goal orientation. This study examines the moderating effect of learning goal orientation that influences the relationship between gamification application and learning engagement. The theoretical model was tested in a quantitative study using structural equation modelling based on a PLS-SEM approach, conducted in Jakarta, with actual local college students. The findings of this investigation noted that gamification perceived ease of use was positively related to learning engagement, and learning goal orientation partially mediated this positive relationship. The value of this research may aid educators and practitioners in determining which factors may influence the adoption of gamification in formal higher education.

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