Chance for Sustainable Fashion in Jabodetabek

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Azzahra Ditri Gunawan 1,* Fredi Andria 1

1. Department of Management, Pakuan University Bogor, 16134, Indonesia

* Corresponding author.


Received: 12 Jun. 2023 / Revised: 17 Aug. 2023 / Accepted: 16 Dec. 2023 / Published: 8 Jun. 2024

Index Terms

Environmental Friendly, Sustainable Fashion, Porter's Five Forces Model Analysis, Delphi Technique, Marketing Strategy


The rise of environmental awareness globally has influenced the clothing industry, prompting the emergence of sustainable fashion as a response to the negative impacts of fast fashion. Despite its positive intentions, sustainable fashion holds a modest 7% of the global market, with fast fashion dominating at 93%. In Indonesia, a growing environmental consciousness has led to an increase in sustainable fashion businesses. An analysis using Porter's five forces model and the Delphi technique for sustainable fashion in Jabodetabek indicates that the current competitive power of sustainable fashion in the broader industry is relatively low. While the competitive landscape is secure and not overly saturated, attention is needed for factors like increasing competitors, significant product differentiation, and high capital requirements, posing notable competitive threats. Key parameters, including the number of buyers and the threat of substitute products, also warrant scrutiny. Challenges persist, such as consumer confusion regarding the pricing of sustainable versus conventional products. Interestingly, the threat from suppliers in the sustainable fashion sector is low, indicating a relatively stable relationship. Despite challenges, the growing awareness of environmental issues in Indonesia presents an opportunity for sustainable fashion businesses to enhance their competitive standing and expand their market share for a more environmentally friendly future. To strengthen the position of sustainable fashion in Indonesia, the focus should be on brand differentiation through storytelling and a unique identity. Innovate products for quality and durability to counter fast fashion trends. Launch educational campaigns, collaborate with like-minded partners, and adopt transparent supply chain practices. Implement competitive pricing, engage customers through loyalty programs, and contribute to the local community, establishing a strong presence in the growing market for sustainable fashion.

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Azzahra Ditri Gunawan, Fredi Andria, "Chance for Sustainable Fashion in Jabodetabek", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB), Vol.16, No.3, pp. 39-46, 2024. DOI:10.5815/ijieeb.2024.03.04


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