Digital Electro-Hydraulic (DEH) Modeling as a Steam Turbine Governor Control at PLTU Tanjung Enim 3x10MW Using MatLab

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Destra A. Pratama 1,* Dewi P. Sari 1 Kabul. Abdullah 1

1. Electrical Engineering of Polytechnic Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar, Palembang 30139, Indonesia

* Corresponding author.


Received: 7 Aug. 2022 / Revised: 2 Sep. 2022 / Accepted: 13 Oct. 2022 / Published: 8 Dec. 2022

Index Terms

Digital Electro-Hydraulic, Governor, Control Valve, PID, Power Control, Speed Control.


Control of the Steam Turbine at PLTU Tanjung Enim 3x10 MW through the use of Digital Electro-Hydraulic (DEH), which plays a critical role in the functioning of the Steam Turbine generated. Because the current control operates solely by manual loading adjustment by raising or reducing the PID percentage from DEH, it is essential to analyze the input parameter values to improve the DEH PID control's sensitivity. The DEH control mechanism of PLTU TE 3x10MW is divided into two modes: Valve Limiter and Load. At PLTU TE 3x10MW, the steam turbine frequently experiences hunting (fluctuations) on the governor control valve, causing the turbine unit to become unstable until shutdown or blackout. The DEH signal response to actuator stroking can generally operate according to the given signal command with a signal density of 1/ΔT = 100,298 Hz and ΔY/ΔT = 781,016 ms. By analyzing the DEH system in the unit and modeling it using Matlab, it is hoped that it will produce a PID control value that can be input into the system based on the return signal from the actuator stroking level and the steam turbine speed at the time of loading, thus enabling the control valve or governor to be more responsive and smoother in responding of Mining load changes, either manually or automatically.

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Destra A. Pratama, Dewi P. Sari, Kabul. Abdullah, "Digital Electro-Hydraulic (DEH) Modeling as a Steam Turbine Governor Control at PLTU Tanjung Enim 3x10MW Using MatLab", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB), Vol.14, No.6, pp. 1-13, 2022. DOI:10.5815/ijieeb.2022.06.01


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