IJEM Vol. 13, No. 4, 8 Aug. 2023
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Software Evolution, Lehman’s Laws, Maintenance, Software Quality
Software evolution is the process of updating a software from it’s initial phase incorporating updates taken from the users. E-type software takes feedback and requirements from the users and updates the software accordingly. In the 70’s, Lehman proposed some laws of software evolution, which are still considered as the standards of measuring software evolution. Now-a-days, E-type softwares are getting very popular as users now use softwares by giving feedback. We are measuring Lehman’s laws of software evolution for two E-type softwares, Next.js and Angular. By downloading the source codes from github repositories, we analysed the source codes and evaluated if the softwares follow Lehman’s Laws of Software Evolution or not. This analysis completes the research which aims at measuring if the softwares evolve by maintaining Lehman’s Laws.
Anika Tabassum, Ishrat Jahan Emu, Abdus Satter, "Software Evolution of Next.js and Angular", International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing (IJEM), Vol.13, No.4, pp. 20-33, 2023. DOI:10.5815/ijem.2023.04.03
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