Influencing Children: Limitations of the Computer-Human-Interactive Persuasive Systems in Developing Societies

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Odji Ebenezer 1,*

1. Federal University of Technology, Akure/Industrial Design Department, Akure, 340252, Ondo State, Nigeria

* Corresponding author.


Received: 2 Mar. 2020 / Revised: 13 Apr. 2020 / Accepted: 8 May 2020 / Published: 8 Oct. 2020

Index Terms

Accessibility-Persuasion Theory (APT), Computer-Human-Interactive-Persuasive-Systems (CHIPS), Product/Entity-Human Interaction Persuasive System (PEHIPS), Persuasive Design (PD), Persuasive Reach (PR), Poverty Alleviation, Developing Countries, LDC


The phenomenon of product/business failure, as well as lack of environmental sustainability and learning limitations, is fast becoming a recurrent ‘disease’ for investors, designers, design sponsors and education policy makers in many developing countries with poor persuasiveness contributing a large quota to such failures. This has greatly hampered the education, poverty alleviation and developmental efforts of the governments of such societies. In a bid to curb this negative trend, children, who are major influencers in product purchase behaviours of adults, have been targeted specifically by persuasive designers, in an effort to both educate and adopt them as means of reaching the larger populace. However, most researches in current persuasive system designs are limited to the information communication/management technology or computerized environments. These systems are technology/internet-driven and many potential users, in reality, in the developing world, unlike the rest of the world is often made to believe, do not have open access to such systems. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of any persuasive system is dependent on its accessibility to its user(s). Technological backwardness (often concealed behind ostentatious self-deceptive facades) has led to the poor persuasiveness of local persuasive systems and products in the third worlds. Therefore, adopting a mixed method for establishing the factor(s) limiting the efficiency of the computer/electronic-human interaction persuasive systems (CHIPS) in South-West Nigeria (N=900), this study established the need to adopt more of the product/entity-human interaction persuasive system (PEHIPS) as an effective alternative for third world countries as, based on the study outcomes, the CHIPS proved less relatively effective in comparison to PEHIPS in rural regions. It however recommends the alternating adoption of a combination of both computerized and entity/product driven systems for the purpose of optimizing persuasive effectiveness in developing worlds.

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Odji Ebenezer, " Influencing Children: Limitations of the Computer-Human-Interactive Persuasive Systems in Developing Societies", International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science(IJMECS), Vol.12, No.5, pp. 1-15, 2020.DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2020.05.01


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