Usability Evaluation Criteria for Internet of Things

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Michael Onuoha Thomas 1,* Beverly Amunga Onyimbo 1 Rajasvaran Logeswaran 1

1. Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

* Corresponding author.


Received: 3 Apr. 2016 / Revised: 20 Jul. 2016 / Accepted: 10 Sep. 2016 / Published: 8 Dec. 2016

Index Terms

Internet of Things (IoT), Usability evaluation, Devices, Quality, Systems


The field of usability, user experience (UX) design and human-computer interaction (HCI) arose in the realm of desktop computers and applications. The current experience in computing has radically evolved into ubiquitous computing over the preceding years. Interactions these days take place on different devices: mobile phones, e-readers and smart TVs, amid numerous smart devices. The use of one service across multiple devices is, at present, common with different form factors. Academic researchers are still trying to figure out the best design techniques for new devices and experiences. The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing, with an ever wider range of daily objects acquiring connectivity, sensing ability and increased computing power. Designing for IoT raises a lot of challenges; the obvious difference being the much wider variety of device form factors. IoT is still a technically driven field, thus the usability of many of IoT products is, in some way, of the level anticipated of mature consumer products. This study focuses on proposing a usability evaluation criterion for the generic IoT architecture and essential technological components.

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Michael Onuoha Thomas, Beverly Amunga Onyimbo, Rajasvaran Logeswaran, "Usability Evaluation Criteria for Internet of Things", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol.8, No.12, pp.10-18, 2016. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2016.12.02


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