A Comparative Analysis and Proposing ‘ANN Fuzzy AHP Model’ for Requirements Prioritization

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Yash Veer Singh 1,* Bijendra Kumar 1 Satish Chand 2 Jitendra Kumar 3

1. NSIT (University of Delhi)/Computer Engineering, New Delhi, 110003 India

2. JNU/School of Computer & System Science, New Delhi, 110003, India

3. Jaypee Institutions of Information Technology/Computer Science Deptt, Noida, 110003, India

* Corresponding author.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijitcs.2018.04.06

Received: 16 Nov. 2017 / Revised: 20 Dec. 2017 / Accepted: 29 Jan. 2018 / Published: 8 Apr. 2018

Index Terms

Requirements Prioritization, ANN Fuzzy AHP, Requirement Engineering, Supplier Selection


Requirements prioritization is an essential component of software release planning and requirement engineering. In requirement engineering the requirements are arranged as per their priority using prioritization techniques to develop high-quality software’s. It also helps to the decision makers for making good decisions about, which set of requirements should be executed first. In any software development industry a ‘software project’ may have a larger number of requirements and then it is very difficult to prioritize such type of larger number of requirements as per their priority when stakeholder’s priorities are in the form of linguistic variables. This paper presents a comparative analysis of existing seven techniques based on various aspects like: scale of prioritization, scalability, time complexity, easy to use, accuracy, and decision making, etc. It was found from literature survey none of the techniques can be considered as the best one. These techniques undergo from a number of drawbacks like: time complexity, lack of scalability, Negative degree of membership function, inconsistency ratio, rank updates during requirement development, and conflicts among stakeholders. This paper proposed a model called ‘ANN Fuzzy AHP model’ for requirements prioritization that will overcome these limitations and drawbacks. In the investigation of this proposed model, a case study is implemented. Ozcan et al [31] using a FAHP (Fuzzy AHP) with ANN based technique to choose the best supplier based on the multiple criteria. The examination on ANN with FAHP is performed on MATLAB software and outcome evaluated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrix with three supplier selection criteria states that the requirements prioritization outcome is better from existing techniques.with higher priority.

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Yash Veer Singh, Bijendra Kumar, Satish Chand, Jitendra Kumar, "A Comparative Analysis and Proposing ‘ANN Fuzzy AHP Model’ for Requirements Prioritization", International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), Vol.10, No.4, pp.55-65, 2018. DOI:10.5815/ijitcs.2018.04.06


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