On the Use of Time–Frequency Reassignment and SVM-Based Classifier for Audio Surveillance Applications

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Souli S. Sameh 1,* Zied LACHIRI 2

1. Signal, Image and pattern recognition research unit, ENIT/ Dept. of Genie Electrique BP 37, 1002, Le Belvédère, Tunisia

2. Dept. of Physique and Instrumentation, INSAT/ BP 676, 1080, Centre Urbain, Tunisia

* Corresponding author.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5815/ijigsp.2014.12.03

Received: 4 Aug. 2014 / Revised: 30 Aug. 2014 / Accepted: 1 Oct. 2014 / Published: 8 Nov. 2014

Index Terms

Environmental sounds, Reassignment method, Gabor filters, SVM Multiclass, Mutual Information


In this paper, we propose a robust environmental sound spectrogram classification approach. Its purpose is surveillance and security applications based on the reassignment method and log-Gabor filters. 
Besides, the reassignment method is applied to the spectrogram to improve the readability of the time-frequency representation, and to assure a better localization of the signal components. Our approach includes three methods. In the first two methods, the reassigned spectrograms are passed through appropriate log-Gabor filter banks and the outputs are averaged and underwent an optimal feature selection procedure based on a mutual information criterion. The third method uses the same steps but applied only to three patches extracted from each reassigned spectrogram. The proposed approach is tested on a large database consists of 1000 sounds belonging to ten classes. The recognition is based on Multiclass Support Vector Machines.

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Souli S. Sameh, Lachiri Z. Zied,"On the Use of Time–Frequency Reassignment and SVM-Based Classifier for Audio Surveillance Applications", IJIGSP, vol.6, no.12, pp.17-25, 2014. DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2014.12.03


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