Comparative Study of SMART and FMCDM Methods in Smartphone Selection Decision Support System

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Novhirtamely Kahar 1,* Riki 1

1. Informatics Engineering, Computer Science Faculty, Universitas Nurdin Hamzah, Jambi, Indonesia

* Corresponding author.


Received: 12 Dec. 2020 / Revised: 12 Jan. 2021 / Accepted: 28 Feb. 2021 / Published: 8 Aug. 2021

Index Terms

Decision Support System (DSS), Smartphone, SMART, FMCDM, Sensitivity Analysis.


Smartphones are one of the communication technology tools currently used by both children and the elderly, so that interest in shopping for smartphones in Indonesia is increasing. The variety of smartphone brands makes buyers confused about which smartphone to buy. This research can help buyers to choose a smartphone to buy and help sellers provide recommendations. This study applies the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) and Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) methods for the decision making process for smartphone selection. The purpose of this study is to apply and analyze the comparison of the SMART method and the FMCDM method in the Smartphone Selection Decision Support System. The study compared: the differences and similarities between the two methods, the results of the selection process for the two methods, and calculating the value of the sensitivity analysis of the selection results so that the best method could be determined. The criteria used: price, screen size, battery capacity, operating system, RAM, camera, and smartphone brand. The comparison results show that there are differences between the standard for determining the results, while the similarities in the calculation results, the smartphone recommended to buy is the same, namely the Asus Zenfone 2 Laser ZE500KG (16 GB) smartphone. Measurement of the accuracy of the results of the two methods uses sensitivity analysis values. It can be concluded that the better method is the FMCDM method because it has a smaller average sensitivity value than the SMART method, namely 0.2795 <0.3906.

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Novhirtamely Kahar, Riki, " Comparative Study of SMART and FMCDM Methods in Smartphone Selection Decision Support System", International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Vol.13, No.4, pp. 1-13, 2021. DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2021.04.01


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